How to prepare your cup of rooibos or rooibos latte

Rooibos is not made from the tea plant, our well-known Camellia sinensis, but from a bush of South African origin, Aspalathus linearis. Although in Afrikaans its name would translate as “red bush” we should not confuse rooibos with red tea since, basically, rooibos is not a tea. Although rooibos is used to prepare an infusion and is often … Read more

Infusions to soothe soar throat

Faced with the first discomfort, mothers and grandmothers often turn to home remedies for sore throats: “Take an infusion!” They usually say. A hot drink can be extremely comforting and help ease the symptoms of a sore throat. But while it is true that any hot drink can bring us some relief, some herbs have powerful … Read more

What is bubble tea and how to make it at home

Has the bubble tea craze hit you yet ? This drink of Taiwanese origin combines tea with the famous tapioca “pearls” and offers a spectacular appearance. Instagram, for example, is literally flooded with photos of endless variations of bubble tea. This drink is very popular in countries like Japan, where there are stores that are exclusively dedicated to selling … Read more

The best gadgets for tea lovers

Are you obsessed with the world of tea and is there a little corner in your kitchen where you could keep some new knickknack? Is the birthday of a great baby friend coming up? Do you want to make a novel Christmas gift?  We present below some ideas of utensils or gadgets that will delight any lover of the world of … Read more

Benefits of blue tea for your health

Oolong tea, also known as blue tea, is very popular in China. Its name means black dragon in Chinese, the country where it is mostly grown, along with Taiwan. With varying degrees of oxidation, blue tea is sometimes close to the flavors of black teas and sometimes close to green teas. One oolong can be wildly different from … Read more

The best infusions to relieve anxiety

Stress is an evil of our days. Anxiety-related problems are becoming more common among all kinds of people. Unfortunately, there are times when problems come together and create an explosive cocktail that has its effect on our health. Are you going through one of them? In these cases, teas for anxiety can be our first line of defense. Natural … Read more

How to prepare the perfect cup of red tea

Pu-erh, better known in the West as red tea, is one of the most unusual teas in the world due to the way it is made. During this, the tea is allowed to ferment for a while in a controlled environment. This gives it a characteristic earthy flavor and very particular health benefits. Red tea is a delicate tea. The … Read more

Sencha, the daily tea in Japan: benefits, uses

Green tea is ubiquitous in Japan. They drink it alone or to accompany their meals, it is served in humble and luxurious restaurants, they drink it cold in summer and hot in winter, even the vending machines are full of green tea soft drinks and Starbucks makes extravagant combinations with tea as the main ingredient. ..  … Read more

Nettle infusion, a purifying diuretic: benefits, recipe

If there is a plant that has a bad reputation, it is the nettle. Famous for generating all kinds of irritations at the slightest contact with its stinging hairs, it is actually extremely beneficial for health if used properly.  Nettle infusion is a common remedy, its therapeutic actions have been known since ancient times and have … Read more

Tea bags or loose tea. What is better?

It can be said that tea bags do not enjoy an excellent reputation in certain areas of the tea world. If this is not the first time you are reading us, you will surely remember our recommendations to avoid them and opt for loose tea if you are looking for quality.  However, tea bags have their … Read more