Green tea benefits for skin

You have realized? Green tea is an ingredient increasingly used in cosmetics. It is not unusual to find it in toners, creams and all kinds of skin care products. Have you ever wondered why? We have already told you about the many properties that green tea offers for health. One of the reasons is its high content of antioxidants, which has … Read more

Easy chai latte recipe: step by step

Are you in love with the flavors of chai tea? The truth is that we do too. The combination of flavors of spices with black tea leaves no one indifferent. Today we come to explain our recipe for chai latte, a westernized variant of chai tea that emphasizes its creaminess using techniques similar to those used to … Read more

Which are the Green Teas from Japan?

Green tea is the everyday drink in Japan, a country where Buddhist monks introduced it hundreds of years ago after their pilgrimages to China. In fact, today, China, Japan and Korea are the largest producers of green tea in the world. Of course, each country has its particularities when it comes to the production and flavors of teas. Today, … Read more

Tereré: benefits, recipe

Have you ever heard of tereré? The truth is that this infusion made from yerba mate is very typical in Paraguay, in fact there it is a cultural heritage of the nation, and is also widely consumed in northeastern Argentina and in the Brazilian Mato Grosso region. So famous is the tereré in Paraguay that every last Saturday … Read more

Fennel infusion, a remedy for indigestion and much more

Fennel is one of the most used plants for natural medicine. In fact, it has been used for hundreds of years to treat various conditions such as indigestion, loss of appetite, and heartburn. In particular, Ayurvedic medicine prepares an infusion of fennel for healing purposes. As a general rule, it is recommended to infuse 25 grams of … Read more

How to make your own kombucha: step by step recipe

Kombucha is a very particular fermented drink. Its slightly acid taste is due to its controlled fermentation process caused by bacteria and yeasts. As usual, several countries dispute the origin of kombucha. In China, they maintain that the fungus that gives rise to this tea could be found in their territory as early as 206 BC. In … Read more

Boldo infusion to improve digestion: properties, benefits, recipe

Boldo infusion is well known in Argentina, Chile and Peru, countries where the Peumus boldus tree originates. In fact, in these regions it is a very common way to end large meals to lighten heavy digestions. The boldo is a highly valued plant, from which everything is used. Its fruits are edible, very sweet and, in addition, they are … Read more

Lavender infusion: properties, benefits, recipe

Who does not recognize the fragrance of lavender. If this plant is well known for something, it is for its powerful aroma, which makes it used extensively in creams, essential oils or even in aromatic candles and incense. What you may not have known is that its aromas have calming properties and other health benefits that you can … Read more

Journey of the origin of tea

When talking about the origin of the tea we drink, we generally think of countries like China, India, and perhaps Japan. However, there are many more places where tea is grown and some are little known. Tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world, only behind water. Providing for all these people requires the production … Read more

Differences between Blue tea and Green tea

Blue tea is a tea that causes confusion. It is mainly produced in China, where it is very popular and appreciated, and its production method includes an oxidation phase that varies in intensity. This means that within the group of blue teas, there is a wide variety of flavors. Sometimes oolong is close to what we would … Read more