When to avoid Green tea

Green tea is a healthy drink, do not be alarmed. Proof of this is that traditional Chinese medicine has been using it for hundreds and hundreds of years to treat different ailments. However, like everything in this life, under certain circumstances or above a certain extent, green tea may have contraindications for you. Why green tea is healthy … Read more

Dandelion infusion: properties, benefits

The dandelion is a well-known plant, although with a bad reputation among gardeners and market gardeners, since it grows uncontrollably in fields and gardens. In many places it is considered a weed, however, natural medicine has been using it for many years to treat different ailments. What is dandelion tea for? Taraxacum officinale, also known as meacamas … Read more

Butterfly pea flower, the tea that changes color

Do you know butterfly pea flower tea? It is a beautiful bright blue infusion that also changes color depending on how you prepare it. As you read it. Can you imagine it? Sometimes, it can be found under the name of blue tea, although we do not particularly like this name as it creates confusion with oolong tea, which is … Read more

The best infusions for menstrual cramps

Menstrual cramps, known clinically as dysmenorrhea, are a very common discomfort. It is estimated that between 25% and 60% of women suffer from it. These pains can become so strong that they prevent women who suffer from them from carrying out their activities in a normal way. In such cases, it would be advisable to go to … Read more

Basic guide to prepare your cup of black tea

Did you know that tea is the most consumed beverage after water worldwide? Within its consumption, black tea stands out, at least in the West, where it is estimated that it occupies the first place on the list. This infusion is prepared, like other varieties of tea, with the leaves of Camellia sinensis. However, in this case, during the tea … Read more

Bancha Japanese tea: properties, benefits, uses

Among the Japanese green teas we find the bancha with its particular flavor and aroma of straw. Like all teas, it is made with the leaves of Camellia sinensis, however, in this case the lower leaves of the plant are used, that is, those that are discarded during the production of another famous Japanese tea, sencha. That’s … Read more

Rosehip infusion: all its uses and properties

The rosehip reminds many of us of our grandparents. This plant, originally from Europe, is also cultivated in countries such as Argentina and Chile and is famous for its rejuvenating properties. In fact, there are numerous cosmetic products that include it among their ingredients. Today we want to talk to you about the rosehip infusion, but this … Read more

The best infusions that act as diuretic

Do you feel your legs swollen? Do you notice the fingers of your hands swollen? You probably need to remove fluids.  Fluid retention is a fairly common discomfort, caused by the accumulation of water in the body’s tissues. In general, it appears due to the existing imbalance between the forces that regulate the passage of liquids from one … Read more

The best infusions for Christmas

Christmas is just around the corner and, as good tea lovers that we are, we have decided to prepare a list of the best infusions to accompany these holidays. Within our selection, we include teas and infusions with typically Christmas flavors, as well as others that cannot be missed due to their digestive properties (surely … Read more

Infusions with mulled wine

Since we have the excuse of Christmas, today we are going to talk to you about mulled wine, a drink that, although it is far from our usual themes, can be considered an infusion. Go for it.  But… is mulled wine an infusion? Well, let no one try to make you believe that a mulled wine will … Read more