Cimicifuga in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Cimicifuga?

Cimifigua is a homeopathic remedy that is used for rheumatism, nervousness and changing moods as well as for discomfort during pregnancy or lack of sleep.

The remedy, which acts primarily on the left side, is indicated if the problems mentioned worsen when it is cold and during menstruation; but ameliorated by food, fresh air, and warm wrappings.

Leading symptoms

  • talkativeness
  • Hot flashes with constant freezing
  • mood swings
  • pain in the upper right abdomen
  • Feeling of pressure in the chest with heart problems
  • Painful menstrual bleeding, pain across the stomach

Information about the agent

How do you recognize patients who need Cimicifuga?

The typical Cimicifuga is easily irritated and easily impressed. It shows extremely fluctuating and rapidly changing states of mind between exuberance and despair. She often changes the subject during talkative phases. Her fears range from the fear of death to the illusion that there is a mouse under her chair. Cimicifuga often has rheumatic complaints and pain under the left breast; her spine is very sensitive to pressure. The more heavily she menstruates, the clearer her symptoms become.

Cimicifuga adults suffer from mood swings ranging from hysteria to profound sadness. They are also prone to depressive moods. The patients talk incessantly and jump from one topic to the next. They are afraid of dying or going insane.

Cimicifuga children often see everything negatively. You are moody and distrustful of others. Children are very sensitive and cry easily when spoken to. They feel better after crying. You love to travel, but then you always get homesick. They don’t like to be alone, they quickly get scared.


Cimicifuga is indicated for all typical symptoms that are improved or worsened by the following modalities:


  • fresh air
  • eat
  • curl up
  • careful movement
  • warmth


  • in the morning
  • Move
  • excitement
  • humidity
  • cold
  • wetness
  • stress
  • before and during the period

What are typical uses for Cimicifuga?

  • menstrual cramps
  • depressive mood
  • Complaints during menopause
  • anxiety states
  • nervous heart problems

Areas of application in detail


Anxiety and depression especially in women with nervousness, inner restlessness, tendency to hysteria and indecisiveness. Fear of claustrophobia, fear of insects, mice and rats. Often with gynecological problems.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6 

Depressive moods

melancholic mood and depression in connection with inner restlessness, especially during pregnancy and menopause. Feelings of anxiety, numbness and a need for freedom and/or independence.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6


Tense muscles in the neck and shoulder area that radiate into the arm. Stiff, swollen and painful joints in the hands and fingers. It is accompanied by dizziness, heart problems or pressure in the chest. Mood alternates between depressed and irritable. Aggravation from wet and cold. amelioration from heat.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Joint and back pain

rheumatic complaints and cutting pains in the back and neck area. Rheumatism and joint problems in menopausal women.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6 

Headache migraine

very violent headache, as if a wedge was being driven through the skull, often beginning at the top of the head. Often in connection with a pressure-sensitive cervical spine and neck tension. Migraine attacks that occur during menopause.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Menstrual period, discomfort before (premenstrual syndrome)

with abdominal pain, but also headache, back and / or muscle pain. The cycle is irregular. Patient is irritable and anxious, restless and trembles frequently.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Menstrual cramps

stabbing, shooting pain radiating from lower abdomen and beginning before period. The cycle is irregular with rather heavy bleeding. The patient is restless and tends towards melancholy.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Neck pain

Neck pain due to severe muscle tension. Pain travels down back, neck tender to touch. Can also pull in the arms, sometimes with numbness in the arms. Movement increases the pain.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6


In late pregnancy to facilitate childbirth. The remedy reduces pain in the sacrum.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6 

Menopausal symptoms (climacteric symptoms)

irregular rather weak periods with hot flashes. Often pains in the abdomen, muscles and joints , but also neck, back and headaches. Patient has trouble sleeping and is prone to anxiety and depression.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6 

Application information

Dosage forms of Cimicifuga

Before or during childbirth, Cimicifuga works in the 4C potency; however, usual intake is in the range D6 – D12. D30 is used for longer or repeated applications for rheumatic complaints or migraines.

Cimicifuga dosage

How often Cimicifuga is given depends on the symptoms and the goal of treatment. For purely physical complaints, the potencies D6 or D12 are treated three times a day in the form of five globules or drops. Alternatively, a dose of the potency D30 can be given once a week. If the treatment focuses on the psyche, single doses of three globules in high potencies (C30 or C200) are indicated. Low potencies (D2) are only given to induce labor for up to two hours every quarter of an hour.

Cimicifuga effect

Cimicifuga acts on the female genitals, nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, muscles and mind.

Cimicifuga in pregnancy

Black cohosh is given during pregnancy for back pain and when nausea and vomiting occur. Anxiety, insomnia and depressive moods during pregnancy are also part of the treatment spectrum. Cimicifuga protects against miscarriage, prevents premature labor; however, during labor it can optimize labor and facilitate opening of the cervix.

Cimicifuga for the baby

Cimicifuga is a helpful remedy for treating teething problems. Babies develop fevers, are fussy and cannot sleep. If they do fall asleep, they wake up frightened at night. They then tremble all over and are covered with a cold, sticky sweat. Cimicifuga babies are chilly, but they feel better out in the fresh air.

Cimicifuga for horse, dog and cat

Cimicifuga is commonly used during childbirth in animals. At the onset of labor there is a severe chill. Contractions are very irregular while the cervix is ​​still closed. Cimicifuga can regulate labor and advance the birth process.

Side Effects of Cimicifuga

In very rare cases, gastrointestinal complaints and weight gain as well as changed liver values ​​have been observed. A permanent or longer-term use should therefore be monitored by a homeopath.

Similar means


For mood swings during menopause, Lachesis and Cimicifuga show similarities in drug picture. The two remedies can be clearly distinguished from one another by the modalities. In contrast to Cimicifuga, Lachesis shows a marked improvement with the onset of menstruation and aggravation with warmth.

Typical potencies: The potencies D6, D12, C6, C12 and C30 are often used.

fabric type: medicinal plant


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