Cistus Canadensis in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Cistus canadensis?

The homeopathic remedy Cistus canadensis has proven itself in the treatment of chronic respiratory diseases, such as colds or sinus infections.

The remedy is often indicated when the patient reports a feeling of coldness in the body. For example, you feel cold in your mouth, throat, intestines or stomach. Any anger or excitement makes the symptoms worse.

Leading symptoms

  • Cold sensations in individual parts of the body
  • Chilliness aggravated by cold air or cold
  • Chronic cold, chronic sinusitis
  • Swollen cervical lymph nodes, malignant diseases of the cervical glands
  • Festered gums

Information about the agent

How do you recognize patients who need Cistus canadensis?

Cistus canadensis appears exhausted, tired and limp. The patients do not tolerate cold well and freeze very quickly.

Cistus canadensis adults become paralyzed when angry and then develop physical symptoms.

Cistus canadensis children develop physical complaints after any excitement and after being angry.


Cistus canadensis is indicated for all typical symptoms that improve or worsen through the following modalities:


  • eat


  • excitement
  • Cold air
  • cold
  • winter
  • mental effort

What are typical areas of application for Cistus canadensis?

  • sniffles
  • sinus infection
  • periodontitis
  • sore throats

Areas of application in detail


Swollen cervical lymph nodes in chronic sore throat with a cold feeling in the throat. Aggravation from cold.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6


Morning diarrhea after eating fruit or coffee. The stool is thin, yellow, and the patients urgently need to go to the toilet.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Sore throat

Chronic sore throat with a burning sore throat and a cold feeling in the throat. The mucous membranes in the throat are dry. Swallowing improves dryness. The lymph nodes in the neck are swollen.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Mouth discomfort

Swollen and pus-filled gums, bad breath and a cold feeling in the mouth. Pain when sticking out tongue. Worse when cold and when breathing cold air.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Sinus infection

Chronic or recurring sinus infections with thick, yellow secretions and a cold feeling in the nose. Aggravation of cold sensation from breathing cold air and from cold in general.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6


Chronic or recurrent runny nose with thick yellow discharge and cold sensation in nose and throat. Aggravated by cold and inhalation of cold air.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Application information

Dosage forms of Cistus canadensis

Cistus canadensis is prescribed in homeopathy as a single remedy or as part of various complex remedies in the form of globules.

Dosage of Cistus canadensis

Cistus canadensis is usually taken in the 6X potency three times a day and in the 12X potency twice a day. As soon as the symptoms improve, the drug is no longer taken.

Effect of Cistus canadensis

Cistus canadensis acts on the respiratory tract, mucous membranes and glands.

Cistus canadensis during pregnancy

Cistus canadensis can help with chronic respiratory infections during pregnancy. A cold feeling in the nose, mouth or throat is typical. The women are very sensitive to cold and feel worse with every excitement and anger.

Cistus canadensis for the baby

The homeopathic remedy is helpful for children who are extremely sensitive to cold and cold air in winter. They freeze badly and keep developing respiratory infections.

Cistus canadensis for dogs, horses and cats

Cistus canadensis may be indicated in animals suffering from chronic respiratory infections that are aggravated by cold and excitement.

Side effects of Cistus canadensis

So far there is no evidence of side effects when taking Cistus canadensis. At the beginning of the treatment, there may be a brief aggravation of the symptoms.

Similar means

Hepar sulfuris

Cistus canadensis and Hepar sulfuris are similar remedies for chest infections. Cistus canadensis is indicated for hardening, Hepar sulfuris for tenderness of the chest to touch and cold.


Phytolacca is also indicated for breast inflammation. It is given for hardening of the breast and for suppuration. Phytolacca has no aggravation from cold. The symptoms are worse at night and when it is warm.

Antimonium crudum and Ipecacuanha

In the case of diarrhea and fruit, Cistus canadensis, Antimonium crudum and Ipecacuanha are similar in the drug picture Antimonium crudum and Ipecacuanha are given primarily when the diarrhea occurs after eating sour fruit.

Typical potencies: Cistus canadensis is often used in potencies 6X and 12X.

fabric type: shrub


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