Coccus Cacti in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is coccus cacti?

In homeopathy, Coccus cacti is given for spasmodic coughing fits such as whooping cough, asthma and tickling cough, also for inflammation of the airways with stringy mucus formation.

The remedy is also used for chronic inflammation of the urinary tract and for kidney pelvic inflammation and kidney gravel. It can be used if there is a strong gagging reflex that occurs during dental treatment and thus makes it more difficult.

Leading symptoms

  • Dry, spasmodic cough
  • Stringy sputum when coughing
  • nausea when brushing teeth
  • Jelly-like discharge in women
  • Menstrual bleeding lumpy, flows mainly when lying down and at night

Information about the agent

How do you recognize patients who need coccus cacti?

People who need caccus cocti get coughing fits in crowds and in closed rooms. After midnight, when you wake up and after lunch, you cough up threads of mucus with severe spasms, some of which get stuck in your throat and lead to vomiting. In general, sleep is restless and accompanied by confused dreams. If the back of the head hurts after exertion, it gets worse when lying down, and relief only occurs when the head is raised. The patients complain of dry, irritated mucous membranes of the eyes, as if a foreign body or sand had gotten inside. Urinating leads to stinging kidney pains with mucous, reddish urine.

Coccus cacti adults are very timid, anxious, limited by fears in their daily routine. They want to please others, are very self-critical and reserved. They can be very humorous and active, but fall into melancholy and irritability when they are uncomfortable.

Coccus cacti- Children don’t like change. Your mood is subject to strong fluctuations. When it comes to work, they tend to be lazy.


Coccus cacti is indicated for all typical symptoms that improve or worsen through the following modalities:


  • Walk
  • cold ablutions
  • cold drinks
  • fresh air
  • Quiet


  • in the morning when waking up
  • warm rooms
  • To lie
  • tight clothes

What are typical areas of application for Coccus cacti?

  • cystitis
  • to cough
  • kidney problems

Areas of application in detail

Bladder problems and bladder infections

The urine is red, acidic and acrid. The inflammation rises in the kidneys or was caused from there.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6 

Cough/ bronchitis

Severe coughing spasms with shortness of breath and shortness of breath, mostly in the morning. You vomit tough, stringy mucus. Tickling cough with foreign body sensation in larynx, feels like thread or crumb stuck there.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6 

Kidney problems

For chronic inflammation of the renal pelvis, gouty kidneys and renal colic caused by stones or gravel.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6 

Dosage forms of Coccus cacti

Oral therapy with low potencies of up to 4X has proven effective. If there is a noticeable improvement in the symptoms, the drug should be discontinued.

Similar means

Potassium bichromicum

Coccus cacti and Kali bichromicum are both indicated in cough with stringy sputum, with Kali bichromicum the sputum being more yellowish. A very red face indicates Coccus cacti. If the face is only slightly red, this speaks for potassium bichromium.

Corralium rubrum

Like Coccus cacti, Corralium rubrum is a remedy for sudden fits of coughing with a very red face and shortness of breath. Stringy sputum is also typical of Corralium rubrum, but this does not hang out of the mouth as long as with Coccus cacti. A sign of Corralium rubrum is excessive exhaustion after the coughing fits.

Typical potencies: D2 to D4

fabric type: animal (insect)


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