Coffee in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is coffee?

Homeopathy uses Coffea primarily against the symptoms it triggers when consumed in excess: inner excitement, the associated insomnia, restlessness, nervousness and dizziness.

Furthermore, Coffea is used as a remedy for toothache and ringing in the ears as well as for noise sensitivity, hyperactivity and severely painful contractions. According to these areas of application, complaints increase due to excitement, smells and noise; decrease with heat and when lying down. Toothache is relieved by taking cold water orally.

Leading symptoms

  • Children are completely overexcited in the evening
  • Difficult to fall asleep due to rush of thoughts
  • Insomnia from joy or surprises
  • Nervousness and inner restlessness from coffee

Information about the agent

How do you recognize patients who need Coffea?

The most striking feature of Coffea is a pronounced sensitivity to pain, which can increase to hypersensitivity. All his senses are heightened; He is constantly (over)active both mentally and physically and reacts to environmental stimuli such as noises, smells, shock, joy or anger with great excitement.

Coffea – Adults are more scrawny than slender, often stoop, and blush with any emotion. You have an easy mind and are very sensitive to sensory input. Especially happy events or impressions influence the patients a lot. They then react overly sensitively and nervously.

Coffea children are tall, thin, and often dark in complexion. They are very sensitive, easily influenced and therefore also very anxious. Because of their many fears, the children are very cautious and avoid dangerous situations and games. Coffea children are on the one hand shy and compliant and on the other hand they can be moody and react with anger. They are very creative, have lots of ideas and do everything they can to make their ideas come true. If something doesn’t go the way they imagined, they quickly feel unloved and to blame for the failure.


Coffea is indicated for all typical symptoms that improve or worsen by the following modalities:


  • lying down
  • Quiet
  • warmth


  • stimulants
  • excitement
  • contact
  • smells
  • coffee
  • cold
  • noise
  • at night
  • windy weather

What are typical areas of application for Coffea?

  • sleep disorders
  • nerve pain
  • nervous palpitations
  • headache
  • teething problems

Areas of application in detail

Sleep disorders

Body and mind agitated and alert, irregular heartbeat and rapid pulse. Patient has intense dreams, often waking up around 3 a.m.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6


Chronic insomnia with brooding thoughts. Also with a headache that gets worse in fresh air. Suitable for sudden toothache.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6


hum in the back of your mind. Aggravated by coffee, nervousness and strong emotions.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6


stabbing, shooting pains that come and go. Cheeks are hot and red. Improved by ice cold water or ice cubes, aggravated at night and by heat.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Application information

Dosage forms of coffee

As a single agent, Coffea is already used in low potencies from D3; as a drink, however, it should be avoided by these patients of all people.

Coffee dosage

Coffea in low potency (D6) is recommended if the symptoms occur spontaneously and for a short time. Five globules are given as needed, but not more than five times a day if possible. However, if the symptoms are chronic, a single daily dose of D30 is indicated.

In the case of insomnia, take five globules of D12 or D30 half an hour before going to bed.

In the case of insomnia typical of pregnancy, the remedy is administered in the potency D12 twice a day with five globules. It is always advisable to dissolve the beads in water.

coffee effect

Coffea mainly acts on the nervous system.

coffee during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the remedy helps with nervous insomnia and inner restlessness. Headaches caused by restlessness and nervousness can also be treated with Coffea cruda.

Coffea is given during labor to make labor pain and after-pains more bearable. A combination with magnesium phosphoricum is recommended here. The remedy is given after birth if vagienal problems (hypersensitivity, pain) occur.

Coffee for the baby

Coffea can be helpful during teething. The babies are in excruciating pain and overexcited. Falling asleep is difficult and they wake up at the slightest noise. Ice-cold water in the mouth relieves the discomfort a little, but as the water in the mouth warms up, the pain also gets worse.

Coffee for dogs, horses and cats

Coffea is indicated for old animals if they are very restless and jumpy during the night. Coffea can also be helpful for very young animals that appear completely overexcited and sleep very poorly.

Side Effects of Coffee

When you take it for the first time, you may experience temporary nervous restlessness or headaches. The symptoms are to be understood as a homeopathic initial aggravation and should only last for a short time. In patients with a high coffee or black tea consumption, the effect of the drug could be delayed.

Similar means


Borax works similarly to Coffea for insomnia after 3 a.m. Patients are hypersensitive to noise and feel overheated.


For toothache, Chamomilla shows similarities to Borax in the middle picture. Patients who require Chamomilla are irritable, moody and very restless. They are also very sensitive to sensory input.

Typical potencies: Coffea is usually used in potencies 6X and 12X.

fabric type: coffee beans


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