Crocus in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is crocus?

Crocus is used in homeopathy for complaints in which stringy secretions occur. The coughed up secretion from the bronchi is foamy and consists of threads. Intermenstrual bleeding in women and nosebleeds are also characterized by dark, stringy, and clots of blood. The strong mood swings in all complaints are striking. The patients are alternately hysterical and depressed.

Leading symptoms

  • exhaustion
  • hesitancy
  • Nosebleeds with dark, stringy blood
  • Knees cracking
  • mood swings

Information about the agent

How do you recognize patients who need Crocus?

Crocus appears hysterical and prone to mood swings. The patients show uncontrolled laughter and lack of distance. They try to kiss or hug everyone around them.


Crocus is indicated for all typical symptoms that are ameliorated or aggravated by the following modalities:


  • Outdoors


  • In warm rooms
  • In the morning
  • lying down
  • Hot weather
  • Fast

What are typical uses for Crocus?

  • menstrual cramps
  • nosebleeds
  • to cough

Areas of application in detail

Cough/ bronchitis

Cough with frothy sputum consisting of thin threads.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Menstrual cramps

Intermenstrual bleeding with dark and clots of blood.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Application information

Dosage forms of Crocus

In classical homeopathy, Crocus is mainly prescribed as globules.

Dosage of Crocus

Crocus D6 is usually taken three times a day. As soon as the symptoms improve, the drug is taken less frequently.

Effect of Crocus

Crocus acts on the blood and bronchi.

Crocus in pregnancy

Crocus should not be taken during pregnancy.

Crocus for the baby

Crocus is not used in children and infants.

Crocus for dog, horse and cat

Crocus is used in animals when they suffer from circulatory disorders in the brain. Areas of application include dementia, depression, urinary incontinence and hearing loss.

Side Effects of Crocus

So far there is no evidence of side effects from taking Crocus. When you start treatment with Crocus, you may experience a short-term worsening of your symptoms.

Typical potencies: Crocus is mainly prescribed in the 6X potency, more rarely in the 4X potency.

fabric type: plant


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