Cyclamen in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is cyclamen?

Cyclamen is one of the favorite homeopathic women’s remedies. The effect extends over the central nervous system to the female sex organs. The remedy is also used for eye diseases and nose problems. It has also proven effective in motion sickness.

Leading symptoms

  • Sickness of pregnancy with salty-tasting vomit
  • Headache with double vision, dizziness or flickering in front of the eyes
  • Absence of menstruation due to physical exertion or after being soaked
  • Aversion to fresh air

Information about the agent

How do you recognize patients who need cyclamen?

Blonde, pale patients are predestined to be used for cyclamen. They are easily irritable and physically weak, and suffer from poor memory. One tends to be perfectionist, perceives mistakes as personal failures and cries over them. The resulting feelings of guilt are assigned to others, so that one withdraws more and more.

This resulted in a lack of concentration, an increased need for sleep and constant brooding. It comes to vertigo with headache and visual disturbances in the form of flickering or flickering in front of the eyes. Taste and smell are reduced, as is appetite. You only eat small amounts, immediately feel uncomfortably full, have to belch, often vomit spontaneously or have diarrhea after eating. Both a salty taste when eating and a craving for sweet drinks, preferably lemonade, are noticeable. At the same time you want to eat inedible things.

The feet are sweaty, it itches all over. Women notice an irregular menstrual cycle, with the menstrual period starting prematurely and feeling very heavy and painful. Whitening and a feeling of tension in the breasts occur. Milk is often produced after the period, even if you are not pregnant. Young patients tend to have severe acne before the onset of menstruation. During the bleeding, the acne symptoms subside noticeably.


Cyclamen is indicated for all the typical symptoms that improve or worsen through the following modalities:


  • Slow motion
  • Massage
  • menstrual period
  • Cool wash on painful areas during menstruation
  • space heating


  • Cold fresh air
  • staying outdoors
  • in the evening
  • Fatty or sweet foods
  • Long standing / sitting

What are typical uses for cyclamen?

  • Depressive mood
  • menstrual cramps
  • sniffles
  • upset stomach

Areas of application in detail

Depressive moods

Lack of drive and a tendency to brood. When mistakes happen, one is inconsolable, can no longer sleep and blames others.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Menstrual period, discomfort before (premenstrual syndrome)

Severe acne with itching in young patients. The complexion improves when the menstrual period begins. Strong feeling of tension in the breasts, possibly associated with secretion.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Menstrual cramps

Heavy, very dark menstrual bleeding with clot formation, possibly abdominal cramps. Nevertheless, one feels comfortable and relieved.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6


Chronic rhinitis with watery or mucous discharge.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Nausea and vomiting

Intolerance to fatty and sweet foods (butter, fatty meat, sweet drinks). It gurgles in the stomach, strong feeling of fullness. Spontaneous vomiting after eating, acid regurgitation beforehand. Accompanying diarrhea is possible.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6 

Application information

Dosage form of cyclamen

Cyclamen is administered as globules. A low potency (D3 or D4) is used, or for infusion therapy ampoules from D3 upwards.

Cyclamen dosage

Cyclamen is usually administered three times a day with five globules of D3 or D4. If the symptoms are very severe, it can also be taken spontaneously. Higher potencies and other intake frequencies should be coordinated with a homeopath.

Cyclamen during pregnancy

Pregnant women can use cyclamen to treat morning sickness and severe headaches, preferably in connection with vertigo.

Side Effects of Cyclamen

There are no side effects or interactions. However, the funds must be stored separately.

Typical potencies: D3 / D4

fabric type: medicinal plant


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