The mother tincture of elderberry is excellent for purifying the body and useful in case of colds, arrhythmias and constipation. Let’s find out better.
Properties of elderberry mother tincture
Sambucus nigra, commonly known as elderberry, is a plant used in broad-spectrum herbal medicine. The main therapeutic properties of the elderberry mother tincture are: diuretic, diaphoretic, anti-neuralgic, emollient, laxative or purgative, antifibrillating
The drug is commonly recommended for colds, respiratory tract infections, coughs, pharyngitis, bronchitis, rhinitis, constipation or constipation, hemorrhoids, arrhythmias, urogenital infections or inflammation, cystitis, urethritis, urinary lithiasis, retention edema, rheumatism, gout (helps eliminate uric acid), skin problems, dermatosis, rashes, neuralgia, epilepsy, the need to purify the body.
It acts on different organs and systems. Among the main ones we remember the heart, oral cavity, intestine, stomach, kidneys, urinary tract, liver, immune system. Its taste is sour-sweetish.
Description of the plant
Elderberry is a plant belonging to the botanical family of Caprifoliaceae. It appears as a shrub or small tree which, however, in some cases can reach heights even higher than five meters, up to a maximum of ten.
The leaves are opposite two by two, with the petiole dilated at the base; the small and fragrant flowers, white or creamy-white; the fruit is a black drupe. The balsamic period for the drug harvest is between May and June.
Among the active principles of the phytocomplex we find essentially: sambucin, sambunigrin, rutin, isoquercitin, astragaline, campferol, essential oil, free fatty acids, tannin (in the bark); emulsin, invertin, sambunigrin, benaldehyde (in the leaves); tannin, choline, mucilage, malate, valeric acid, tartaric acid (in the flowers); anthocyanins, wax, gum, acetate, malate, tartaric acid, citric acid (in fruits).
The elder is widely represented in Italy and in most of Europe, preferring, as an optimal habitat, mountain environments, ruderal, humid places and sparse woods.
How to prepare the mother tincture of elderberry
The mother tincture of elderberry is a hydroalcoholic preparation obtained by cold maceration in hydroalcoholic solvent, obtained from the fresh flowered tops.
The use of elderberry mother tincture is expressed in feverish and inflammatory states, diuretic, renal lithiasis, fluid retention; it is also an excellent antirheumatic and antineuralgic agent.
The flowers are also known as sudoriferous in flu states, in catarrhal affections, sinusitis, as a diuretic and purifying in rheumatism and gout.
30 drops of mother tincture diluted in a little water are generally recommended, if desired with the addition of a teaspoon of honey and lemon. It is always good to consult a doctor or specialist for each individual case.
There are no particular contraindications. But the consumption of elderberry leaves and seeds, highly poisonous due to the presence of sambunigrin, a toxic glycoside, is strictly prohibited. Fresh leaves and flowers, applied to the skin, cause violent irritation and erythema.