What is Espeletia?
Homeopathy uses Espeletia (the monk’s plant) as a “fountain of youth” and uses it to treat age -related complaints and a lack of vital warmth as well as declining blood circulation, mental functions and concentration. The associated symptoms intensify around midnight and lead to insomnia and the resulting tiredness in the morning.
Leading symptoms
- apathy
- difficulty concentrating
- Insomnia after midnight
- Pain relieved by lying on the painful side
- Stinging, drawing pains
Information about the agent
Appearance of Espeletia
Typical Espeletia patients appear jaded, sad and exhausted. They make mistakes when speaking or use the wrong words, tremble frequently and suffer from high blood pressure.
What are typical uses for Espeletia?
- circulatory disorders
Areas of application in detail
Circulatory disorders
Circulatory disorders in the legs, such as the preliminary stage of intermittent claudication (the so-called claudication disease), arterial circulatory disorders in the legs, in which the patient has to keep standing because of severe pain when walking. Warmth aggravates symptoms, relief from rest and fresh air. Also suitable for angina pectoris attacks with a feeling of tightness in the chest.
Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6
Dosage forms of Espeletia
Schwabe himself recommends taking the homeopathic remedy obtained from the monk’s plant in potencies between 2X and 4X.
Botanical information on Espeletia grandiflora
The homeopathic remedy Espeletia is made from the dried leaves and flowers of the Espeletia grandiflora plant. The plant is one of the Asteraceae (composite family) and is native to South America. Espeletia grandiflora grows mainly at altitudes of over 3000 meters. In order to survive in these extreme locations with a very high exposure to UV rays and severe frost, the plants develop special roots. These serve as water reservoirs. Dead parts of the plant remain in place and also provide protection against UV radiation and frost.
The genus Espeletia includes about 100 different subspecies. These can reach heights of growth of three to five meters. Some plants even live up to 100 years. The flowers are yellow in color and can be seen from October to November.
In the flowers and leaves, grandiflorenic acid (diterpene) and resins such as kaurane and kauradiene compounds were determined to be the active components of Espeletia grandiflora.
In traditional medicine, Espeletia grandiflora is known as a remedy for treating circulatory disorders and angina pectoris. The plant is colloquially called monk plant.
Effect of Espeletia
The homeopathic Espeletia acts mainly on the cardiovascular system. It is used in the treatment of arterial circulatory disorders, intermittent claudication and angina pectoris.
In homeopathy, Espeletia is considered a remedy for old age and is used in aging processes such as severe cold, tremors, memory problems, difficulty concentrating, insomnia during the day, tiredness in the morning, high blood pressure, listlessness, depression and errors in speaking, such as using wrong words.
Dosage of Espeletia
Espeletia can be used in potencies 6X and 12X. In the potency D6, 3 globules can be taken up to five times a day. After each intake, an improvement is awaited and the drug is only taken again when the improvement wears off. Espeletia D12 can be taken up to twice a day. If the improvement continues, homeopathic remedies are taken less and less. If the symptoms worsen when you start taking Espeletia, this is a homeopathic initial reaction, also known as an initial aggravation. Intake is paused until the initial reaction subsides. Only then will the intake be continued.
Side Effects of Espeletia
So far, no side effects have become known when taking the homeopathic Espeletia. If you have a known intolerance to the daisy family, Espeletia should only be used from a potency of 6X.
If the dosage is incorrect – taken too long and too often – this can lead to an unwanted drug proving. Existing symptoms worsen or persist. The intake is then immediately paused and a homeopathic therapist consulted.
Typical potencies: D2 – D6
fabric type: medicinal plant