Homeopathic medicines for fever

The onset of a fever in a child often causes concern and anxiety among mothers, fathers and grandparents. It is important to know that, especially in children, the body temperature can also vary as a result of efforts, intake of hot meals or drinks, excessive heating of the environment, crying: in these conditions it must therefore be rechecked.
Fever is defined as an increase in body temperature above 37-37.5 ° C when measured at the axillary level, or at 37.5-38 ° C if measured at the rectal level .

When our body is attacked by viruses or bacteria it defends itself by increasing its temperature: in this situation the germs grow with greater difficulty, and the immune system activates the mechanisms useful to defend us.
Although it may seem strange, then, fever is, in most cases, a natural and useful reaction.

What to do in case of fever

Before administering medicines, it is often useful to offer the child lightly sweetened liquids at room temperature (water, decaffeinated tea, chamomile), in small sips; do not cover them excessively (because doing so does not allow the body to transpire and, therefore, to disperse heat); offer small, easily digestible meals, and don’t force them if they don’t have an appetite.

When to administer drugs

Antifebrile drugs should therefore be administered when the fever causes “discomfort” and negatively affects the general condition of the child, the rest and the ability to feed sufficiently If the child is lively enough, does not complain of pain, is able to rest and no medical treatment is necessary.

When deciding to treat fever, based on my professional experience, homeopathy is a therapeutic option that I can recommend to families for their children. In many cases, during childhood, the use of homeopathic medicines allows to obtain particularly significant results , since children are able to respond even better than adults to this therapeutic option.
I generally prescribe this type of medicine even to children under two years of age, compatibly with the pathology they suffer from.

For very young children, homeopathic medicines can be easily dissolved in a little water and offered in a bottle or small spoons. We will then administer 3-5 granules dissolved in a little natural water given a teaspoon at a time or with the bottle in a few minutes in order to allow contact with the oral mucosa and their absorption. All medicines can be given every 3-5 hours.

Here are some indications that I have been asked by the families by the parents to help them choose the homeopathic medicine most suitable for the type of fever that the child has at that moment. However, it is essential that the diagnosis of the disease in progress and the basic therapy are established by your pediatrician or treating doctor .

The advice refers only to the treatment of the fever symptom.

For high fever it is possible to use Belladonna, Aconitum, Apis Mellifica at low dilutions (5 CH, 7 CH, 9 CH)

  • Belladonna: when the child is red in the face, sweaty, quite dejected and prefers to be left alone in the dark; it is often possible to observe the presence of very dilated pupils;
  • Aconite : when the fever has a sudden onset, very often nocturnal, after exposure to cold; the child tends to be agitated and often asks for a drink, often there is a dry, barking cough and slight hoarseness;
  • Apis Mellifica: when intense headache is present, absence of thirst, especially if accompanied by violent headache; the child is quite drowsy, with a congested face and a shaking of the head which is rotated from one side of the pillow to the other. There is often tonsillitis with a swollen and swollen uvula.

If the fever is moderate or mild you can use:

  • Bryonia : when the fever gradually rises and then stabilizes, the mucous membranes are very dry, the child asks to drink large quantities of cold water and to remain still;
  • Ferrum Phosphoricum : used when the fever is mild accompanied by symptoms of cooling; the child presents marked tiredness, the face alternates moments of pallor and redness. There may be nosebleeds or mucus with streaks of blood. A rapid heartbeat is also appreciated with some frequency more than usually occurs with moderate fever;
  • Rhus Toxicodendrum : it is used when together with the fever there are widespread pains that improve with the movements, chills and sweating of the body that spares the face. The child appears quite prostrate. The thirst is intense and the tongue is very often covered with a grayish patina.


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