Homeopathy for Breastfeeding related issues

Breastfeeding is the most natural thing in the world and offers many advantages for mother and child. But breastfeeding also needs to be learned. Difficulties and problems can arise, especially at the beginning, and even later things don’t always run smoothly. Here homeopathy can provide support without side effects.

Many mothers wish to breastfeed their child because breast milk is the ideal food for the baby. “It contains all the important nutrients that the baby needs for healthy development in the first few months of life,”. “In addition, breastfeeding supports the involution of the uterus and promotes the loving relationship between mother and child.”

Breastfeeding: Things don’t always go smoothly

“In the first few days after birth, the baby is still supplied with a kind of first milk that is very nutritious,”. “The actual milk comes in about the third day after birth.” Problems with breastfeeding usually only occur from this point on. “If the milk comes in too much, this can lead to unpleasant swelling of the glandular tissue and pain from too much milk, but also worries about not enough milk,”. “Also sore, cracked nipples are always an issue.”

But even later, various breastfeeding problems can occur, which in many cases can be treated very well with the help of homeopathy.

Breastfeeding problems: too much milk

  • Bryonia
  • belladonna
  • Phytolacca

In the first few days after birth, the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone drop rapidly. As a result, the hormone prolactin, which is already increasingly produced in the last trimester of pregnancy, becomes active and triggers what is known as milk production in the body. The activation of milk production also causes the mammary gland tissue to swell. “The chest then feels full, often hot and tense,”. Some women may also experience pain and redness. In addition, there may be a slightly elevated temperature. “The homeopathic classic for heat and redness is belladonna,”. “For congestion and hard spots in the chest, recommend Bryonia, the bryony. Phytolacca can also help.

Homeopathy for breastfeeding problems: too little milk

  • Phytolacca
  • Urtica urens
  • Agnus castus

Nature has arranged it ingeniously: the amount of milk automatically adjusts to the demand. “If the baby is breastfed frequently, the body produces more milk as a result,”. “With decreasing milk meals, on the other hand, the amount of milk decreases accordingly.” This ensures that there is always enough food available for the baby. “Worries, stress, insecurities, not drinking enough fluids, but also mistakes when putting the baby on can cause the amount of milk to decrease unintentionally,”. “An excellent way to regulate milk production is Phytolacca, because the pokeweed has a special effect on the glands.”

Women who complain about not having enough milk to put on their milk more often and to rest and be more relaxed while breastfeeding. “A 24-hour cuddle day, which the mother spends in bed with the baby and breastfeeds as needed, has proven very effective in this context,” advises the breastfeeding expert. “In order to stimulate milk production, I also administer a dose of Phytolacca D12 every three days until the amount of milk has regulated accordingly. Urtica urens, the stinging nettle, has also proven itself to effectively increase milk production.”

If the breasts are full, firm and painful, if there is not enough milk and the woman seems a bit desperate, Agnus castus is the right remedy. “Because the homeopathic chaste tree is particularly effective when the milk decreases due to depression,”.

Homeopathy for too much milk

  • Phytolacca
  • Sage and peppermint as a tea

But the opposite problem, too much milk, can also cause breastfeeding frustration. “The breast then feels uncomfortably full and full, leaks and the milk literally shoots out when sucking in, so that the baby often literally chokes,” explains the breastfeeding expert. “In order to finally get rid of the pressure and to empty the full breasts, the mothers often put the baby on very often.” However, this creates a vicious circle, because frequent latching stimulates milk production even further. “Here, too, advise rest, breastfeed less often, only put on one side, cool the other side and choose a breastfeeding position that is as upright as possible,”. “Phytolacca also helps here, but in a different dosage:

Breastfeeding problems: homeopathic relief of engorgement

  • Phytolacca
  • belladonna

Breast engorgement can occur from time to time throughout breastfeeding. “When there is a blockage in the milk, the milk does not drain properly and accumulates in the fine canals,”. This leads to hard, pressure- and pain-sensitive areas, which are often reddened and, in the worst case, can lead to breast inflammation. “If you have engorged breasts, I always advise you to put a warm compress on your breast before breastfeeding, for example a warm washcloth,” advises the breastfeeding expert. “This preparation is very advisable when breastfeeding, because the heat opens and relaxes the milk ducts. During breastfeeding, the milk can then also be gently squeezed out with the hand.” After breastfeeding, the breast should then be cooled. “Either with a cool washcloth, Cooling quark wraps and cabbage leaves are also beneficial,”. “Homeopathic treatment with belladonna helps against pain, inflammation and heat. In addition, I often give Phytolacca to regulate milk production.”

Homeopathy for sore nipples

  • calendula
  • belladonna
  • Acidum nitricum

Sore nipples are also a common problem during breastfeeding. “In the beginning, the unusual mechanical stress can lead to small tears and sore, painful areas in the areola area,”. “Later on, babies’ first teeth and unfavorable breastfeeding positions can also be responsible for skin lesions on the nipples.” Pads with black tea bags and protective wool fat ointment offer quick help here. “After breastfeeding, a few drops of breast milk and saliva residue from the baby remain on the nipple; these should not be wiped off, but simply left to dry,”. “On the one hand, this has a preventive effect, but it also has a healing effect.” Plenty of air also supports the healing process. “

Breastfeeding complaints homeopathy for weaning

There are many different reasons why a mother might want to stop breastfeeding. “Women as a rule that breastfeeding should be stopped if one of them no longer likes it,” emphasizes the breastfeeding expert. In addition to personal wishes and ideas, this also includes professional needs and medical reasons, such as taking important medication or an upcoming operation. “In order to bring the milk to dry up, it is not absolutely necessary to take breastfeeding medication,”. “Very good results can also be achieved with Phytolacca in low potency, but this should only be carried out under professional guidance.”

Typical potencies and their dosage for breastfeeding problems

For self-treatment with homeopathic medicines during breastfeeding, low potencies of 6X to 12X are usually used. When selecting and taking homeopathic medicines during pregnancy and after birth – for the mother as well as for the newborn – advice should always be given by well-trained health and homeopathic experts in order to find the individually suitable remedy and the right medical one find total treatment.


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