Tinnitus can be very distressing for sufferers. Homeopathic remedies can be used concomitantly to relieve the ringing, buzzing and ringing in the ears.
Tinnitus, also known as ringing in the ears, refers to noises in the ears that are perceived very individually by each person affected. Around three million Germans suffer from it and are often plagued by tinnitus for months or years.
What is tinnitus?
In medical jargon, tinnitus refers to noises that are commonly referred to as “ringing in the ears”, “ringing in the ears” or “ringing in the ears”. The ringing in the ears of tinnitus can be very different. The sound can be, for example, beeping, whistling, ringing, hissing, rattling or hissing. It can be steady or pulsating, persistent or intermittent, unilateral or in both ears.
Tinnitus can basically occur at any age, but is most common in people between the ages of 40 and 50.
Tinnitus is not an independent disease, but a symptom that can have many causes. In some of those affected, no physical cause can be found for the ringing in the ears, which is why a psychological component becomes more important in these cases.
What can cause ringing in the ears?
About 30 percent of ringing in the ears is probably the result of excessive noise, such as that caused by music concerts, headphones that are set too loud, or loud machines. Other possible causes are:
- Acoustic trauma (explosion, loud bang)
- Pressure changes (air travel, diving)
- hearing loss
- Inner ear ossification
- Middle and inner ear infections
- Circulatory disorders of the inner ear
- eardrum defects
- Earwax or foreign objects in the ear
- hereditary, acquired or age-related hearing loss
- Acoustic neuroma (benign tumor that narrows the auditory nerve)
- Meniere’s disease (vertigo)
- cervical spine problems
- Problems in the tooth and jaw area
- Stress, anxiety, overwhelm and other emotional burdens
- side effects of medication
- Cardiovascular, metabolic or hormonal disorders
- traumatic brain injury
- alcohol abuse
To ensure that the tinnitus is not caused by a serious medical condition, a doctor should be consulted if there is any persistent noise in the ear.
Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of tinnitus
In the homeopathic treatment of tinnitus, the homeopathic single remedy must be selected individually for each individual affected. With a homeopath, the choice of remedy is based on a detailed anamnesis.
If those affected want to treat the tinnitus independently with homeopathy, the symptoms of the patient must also be compared with the typical symptoms of the possible medicines. Especially when there are no other symptoms apart from the tinnitus, possible underlying diseases have been ruled out and the noises in the ears show characteristic features homeopathy is worthwhile for tinnitus.
The following homeopathic individual remedies have proven themselves in the treatment of various types of ringing in the ears:
- Aconite: Ringing in the ears that is preceded by injury, trauma, or shock.
- Arnica: The ringing in the ears can impair hearing. Possible causes can be a bang, constant noise, a hit, bump, fall or physical exertion.
- Belladonna: Tinnitus is perceived as a ringing in the ears. The hearing is oversensitive and those affected hear their own voice in their ears.
- Cactus grandiflorum: Ringing in the ears is ringing like song and often in rhythm with the pulse. Ringing in the ears gets better in the fresh air. Tinnitus is often associated with dizziness and headaches.
- Calcium carbonicum: Ringing, popping, cracking, smacking or clicking noises in the ears are typical. Triggers are physical or mental exhaustion and overwork. The ringing in the ear occurs more often when blowing the nose, chewing or swallowing and can be associated with a sudden hearing loss.
- Causticum: There is a feeling that the ear is blocked and one’s own voice is echoing there. The trigger is usually some form of grief. It is often accompanied by physical weakness and tremors all over the body.
- China officinalis: Tinnitus sounds like ringing in the ears. Triggers are often physical and mental hypersensitivity as well as severe weakness and exhaustion. The ringing in the ears may be accompanied by a headache.
- Cocculus: The ringing in the ear leads to sensitivity to noise. At the same time, dizziness may occur. Triggers can be lack of sleep, jet lag, shift work and overexertion. Those affected are nervous, overworked and irritable.
- Coffea: My ears are buzzing like a swarm of bees. Ringing in the ears is triggered by fatigue, excessive coffee consumption and sudden emotions. Tinnitus can be associated with a pronounced sensitivity to noise. Noises are perceived as downright painful.
- Dulcamara: The ringing in the ears was preceded by a cold.
- Graphites: Ringing in the ear is a hissing sound that changes to a whooshing or popping sound at night.
- Hydrastis: The ringing in the ears sounds mechanical and metallic. Older people are particularly affected.
- Ignatia: Always an option when the ringing in the ears occurs after suffering grief.
- Lachesis: Tinnitus occurs during menopause. Ringing in the ears is mainly in the left ear.
- Lycopodium: Predominantly buzzing, buzzing, or hissing sound in right ear. There may be an echoing sensation or a bubbling sensation. Stress, pressure, overload and excessive demands can be triggers. Often in connection with sudden hearing loss, nocturnal teeth grinding, neck problems and headaches.
- Nux vomica: tinnitus is expressed by very different loud noises in the ears, mostly hissing, roaring or buzzing. Stress, overwork and tension are particularly bad, which can also trigger tinnitus. The ringing in the ears can be accompanied by a headache with nausea, nausea, and morning choking or vomiting.
- Petroleum: pounding noise in the ear in rhythm with the heartbeat. Triggers can be excitement, overexertion, shock, grief, menstruation or illness. Affected people often have cracked fingers or torn earlobes and a foul-smelling rash.
- Phosphorus: Hissing or buzzing noises in the ears reverberate in the ear, making it difficult to hear. Triggers can be excitement, overexertion, shock, grief or a previous illness. There is often a connection with sudden hearing loss or dizziness.
- Pulsatilla: Ringing in the ear is often a rustling, ringing, roaring, or whooshing sound. There may be an echo-like reverberation or the sounds correspond to the heartbeat. Triggers are often a runny nose and poor circulation as well as situations of emotional insecurity.
- Sepia: The sound is described as a ringing, humming, or wind noise, and it may reverberate or occur with the heartbeat. The trigger is often overwork. Tinnitus often occurs at times of hormonal fluctuations such as puberty, pregnancy, menstruation or menopause.
- Silicea: Ringing in the ears is perceived as a hissing and roaring noise in the ears. Tinnitus is often accompanied by dizziness.
How are homeopathic remedies taken?
If homeopathic single remedies are selected by yourself, the potencies 6X and 12X are suitable. The most common are globules, drops and tablets. A dose consists of three globules, three drops or one tablet. This dose can be taken hourly for very strong and annoying ringing in the ears. A drug in the potency 6X should not be administered more than ten times a day, and the potency 12X should not be administered more than six times a day. The intake can be repeated until the symptoms are significantly better.
In order to treat tinnitus in the long term, higher potencies are needed. However, potencies such as C30, C200 or C1000 should only be taken as part of homeopathic therapy. The medicine must then be selected and prescribed by a trained homeopath.
So-called homeopathic complex remedies are also available for the treatment of ringing in the ears, dizziness or circulatory disorders. They combine several homeopathic medicines and different potencies. Medicines that have proven themselves in the treatment of ringing in the ears are used. They are offered as tablets, drops or injections. If you want to use homeopathic complex remedies for tinnitus, follow the recommendations on the package insert.
What else can you do if you have ringing in your ears?
If tinnitus cannot be significantly improved by conventional medical and homeopathic therapy measures, those affected can still do a lot themselves to be able to live better with the ringing in the ears. Most approaches are aimed at physical and mental relaxation or try to distract those affected from the disturbing ringing in the ears or to drown it out.
The following measures can improve living with tinnitus:
- psychological care
- Learning various relaxation techniques such as Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Yoga, autogenic training, biofeedback or progressive muscle relaxation
- Device supply with so-called tinnitus maskers or tinnitus noisers, which are worn like a hearing aid and are intended to cover up the noise in the ear with a pleasant and constant noise
- music therapy
- ear candles
- lots of exercise in the fresh air and in nature
- healthy and balanced diet and avoidance of irritants such as alcohol, nicotine and coffee