Red, inflamed pimples on the face – young people in particular are familiar with the problem. The skin disease occurs during puberty due to hormonal changes. But many adults are still affected by acne. Since the face is particularly affected by the pimples, acne is not only a health problem, but also a cosmetic problem, which can be very stressful for those affected.
Acne can be treated very well with homeopathic remedies. Depending on the individual characteristics, various homeopathic remedies can be considered.
Which homeopathic remedies help?
Physical symptoms are described below. Choose a homeopathic remedy for acne that best suits your situation.
in acute, infectious inflammations with reddish coloring and hot skin.
generally for blemished skin when the acne pimples develop slowly, tend to suppurate and heal only slowly. If you have a tendency to scars.
for acne vulgaris with many purulent, itchy pimples.
Mahonia aquifolium
Blackheads and pustules that itch and form pus blisters, mainly on hairy parts of the body. Men are affected more frequently than women. Also with “razor acne”.
Juglans regia
Small purulent pimples on chin, chest, shoulders and upper back. Suitable for pubescents, especially girls, and for teething problems.
Acidum picrinicum
Small pimples and pustules on the face and neck.
Agnus castus
Treatment of acne caused by taking the pill.
Nodules on the skin (erythema nodosum), purulent acne, pustules and boils.
Oily, itchy skin prone to acne. It is very itchy between the fingers and on the palms of the hands, small blisters can form. Acne occurs before puberty. With liver disorders, a rash is manifested in the liver region.
Antimonium sulfuratum aurantiacum
Acne with pustules
In adolescents
Hepar sulfurisespecially
in young people with generally impure skin and many pimples on the face and back. The pimples threaten to fester or already contain pus and are painful.
teenage acne especially in girls with hormonal fluctuations. Acne worsens during periods.
Dosing recommendation
The selected remedy is taken as required in potency D6 up to three times a day and in potency D12 up to twice a day.
Where does acne come from?
Acne is a disease of the so-called sebaceous follicles. A sebaceous follicle is found in human skin and includes a hair, a sebaceous gland, and a follicular canal.
forms of acne
- Acne vulgaris (common acne)
- acne comedonica
- acne conglobate
- Acne papulopustular
- Acne tarda (late acne)
- Acne infantum (infant acne)
- Acne neonatorum (newborn acne)
Acne vulgaris
Acne vulgaris is also known as common acne and is probably the most well-known form. It usually occurs during puberty and is due to increased androgen influence. Androgens are male sex hormones, but they are also the precursors to female sex hormones. A sudden surge in hormones, such as occurs during puberty, causes the sebaceous glands to enlarge and produce more sebum. Inside the hair follicle are the exits of the sebaceous glands, which become horny and block the escape of sebum. As a result, blackheads form (visible as small black dots), which become inflamed and become purulent pimples, pustules and papules can become.