Leg pain sometimes has very simple and obvious causes, such as sore muscles or an injury. However, sometimes leg pain occurs with no apparent cause. Many people are then unsettled. Find out here what causes leg pain, when you should see a doctor and which homeopathic remedies can be helpful to relieve the symptoms.
Which homeopathic remedies help?
Physical symptoms are described below. Choose a homeopathic remedy for leg pain that best suits your situation.
All of a sudden, severe pain shoots down the leg. The left leg is particularly affected. Pain is often felt in the calf, as if an iron clamp were fastened around the calf. Patients stand on one leg like a stork to relieve pain.
There are many muscles, ligaments, tendons, blood vessels and nerves in the leg – all of which can cause pain. This is particularly the case with sporting overload and injuries. Other triggers are often problems with the joints and circulatory disorders.
- Injuries (e.g. torn muscle fibres, broken bones, dislocated joints, sprains)
- Circulatory disorders (arteriosclerosis, varicose veins, blood clots)
- inflammation
- Osteoarthritis (wear and tear)
- rheumatism
- Lumbago or herniated disc with pain radiating down the leg
- diseases of the nerves
- bone loss (osteoporosis)
- tumors
Leg pain can be bilateral, affect just one leg, or just a specific section of the leg. The legs can hurt during physical exertion or at rest. Accompanying symptoms such as swelling, overheating, tingling, numbness or paralysis can occur. After physical exertion or a minor injury, leg pain usually only lasts for a short period of time and then disappears on its own. However, if it persists for a long time, is very severe or numbness and paralysis occur, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible. In any case, it is important that leg pain does not become chronic. In these cases, pain memory can develop. The leg pain then persists even though the cause has been treated.
What you can do yourself
Rest, mild painkillers and cooling are often enough to relieve leg pain. However, sometimes exercise and heat applications are indicated. This depends on the cause of the leg pain. The doctor treating you can give tips.
To prevent leg pain, you should exercise regularly. Stretching and strengthening exercises are also recommended. A diet high in fresh fruit and vegetables, few animal products and few convenience foods can do a lot to keep legs healthy and prevent leg pain.