Psoriasis is one of the skin diseases, but it can also affect other areas such as the joints or internal organs. It is an inflammatory skin disease with a chronic course. It is triggered by various internal and external factors. Those affected are often severely affected by the skin changes in their quality of life.
Homeopathic remedies have proven themselves in relieving symptoms and also in regulating mental well-being. They can significantly improve the patient’s quality of life.
Which homeopathic remedies help?
Physical symptoms are described below. Choose a homeopathic remedy for psoriasis that best suits your situation.
Arsenic jodatum
Psoriasis with patches of skin weeping after the scales have fallen off.
Potassium arsenicum
Dry and scaly rashes that are very itchy. Itching worse on undressing and warmth.
Both for cradle cap or other dry, scaly skin changes such as psoriasis and for purulent, raised, crusty skin inflammation. The skin on the head, fingers and genitals is particularly affected.
Mahonia aquifolium
Scaly, severely itchy skin that bleeds when scratched. Psoriasis (psoriasis). Dry scalp with dandruff – also in infants and small children.
Red Corals
Coral-red patches on the skin that first turn dark red and then copper-colored. ulcerative changes. Skin changes preferably on the palms and soles.
Dosing recommendation
The selected remedy is taken as required in potency D6 up to three times a day and in potency D12 up to twice a day.
Where does psoriasis come from?
It is assumed that there is a hereditary predisposition to psoriasis. The disease does not break out in everyone who has this predisposition. Various factors have a favorable effect:
- infections
- Stress
- sunburn
- injuries to the skin
- tattoos
- metabolic diseases
- Various medicines
- Hormonal fluctuations (puberty, pregnancy, menopause)
Psoriasis symptoms
- Inflamed areas of skin with silver-white scales
- itching
- Changes in the fingernails and toenails
Special form of psoriasis
Psoriasis mainly appears on the skin, but can also affect the joints (psoriatic arthritis). The small joints in the fingers or toes and the knee joints are particularly frequently affected. Typical symptoms are:
- swelling of the joints
- Pains
- movement restriction
- Destruction of the joints as the disease progresses