Sleep disorders are people who have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep and who are prevented from sleeping by various factors. Depending on the severity of the disorder, patients are more or less affected by effects such as tiredness, listlessness or exhaustion. If the sleep disorders persist over a longer period of time, the quality of life can be significantly impaired.
Homeopathic remedies make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. The patient can recover sufficiently during the night and is fit and productive during the day.
Which homeopathic remedies help?
Physical symptoms are described below. Choose a homeopathic remedy for insomnia that best suits your situation.
Potassium phosphoricum
because of mental exhaustion or after major physical or mental exertion.
lying awake because of anger and anger. Very suitable for children during teething who are irritable or angry and want to be carried around.
Falling asleep and staying asleep is difficult, despite extreme tiredness.
Patients cannot fall asleep before midnight. You’re wide awake and feel like you’ve had too much coffee. From 3 a.m. they are awake again and cannot fall asleep.
Sodium carbonicum
Early morning awakening and daytime sleepiness.
Cadmium sulfuricum
Persistent insomnia and cessation of breathing while falling asleep. Patients wake up feeling suffocated. You are afraid of going back to sleep.
Body and mind agitated and alert, irregular heartbeat and rapid pulse. Patient has intense dreams, often waking up around 3 a.m.
Nightmares caused by mental stress and fear, particularly suitable in old age.
Ammonium carbonicum
Restless sleep, nocturnal awakening with sweats and nightmares. Increased need for sleep in the afternoon.
Lac defloratum
Frequent waking up with sweats. You grind your teeth. Vivid dreams of being eaten, bitten, hit, or followed in a life-threatening manner. During the day one is imbalanced, restless, irritable, has a headache. The whole body feels dull and wrinkled.
Scutellaria lateriflora
Despite being very tired, you can’t fall asleep because of your worries, and you are awakened at night by nightmares. Thoughts constantly revolve around life-threatening issues.
Metallic silver
Awakening to nausea and nightmares of falling into the abyss.
The patients sleep restlessly and toss and turn in bed. You dream wildly and wake up terrified. They get dizzy when they sit up.
Problems staying asleep
Nighttime sleep is superficial and disturbed by teeth grinding. During the day, frequent yawning is noticeable.
Sleep is significantly disturbed over a longer period of time, constantly interrupted by noise perception. Even with stress-related sleep irregularities, where brooding thinking interferes with a good night’s sleep.
Latrodectus mactans
Dreams of flying and spiders, recurring insomnia / waking up at night from inner restlessness.
Magnesium chloratum
Constant waking up and troubled dreams. You wake up as if you hadn’t slept, feeling totally exhausted, like after drinking too much (“hangover”).
Cypripedium pubescens
Especially suitable for children. You fall asleep quickly, suddenly wake up full of energy. Arms and legs are in constant motion. Wandering in bed, wildly gesticulating and chatting, excessive toy seeking.
Patients have difficulty falling asleep due to mental exhaustion, physical exertion, or anxiety. Sleep is restless and sufferers often wake up during the night.
Problems falling asleep
Valerian officinalis
You can’t fall asleep despite being very tired , you’re restless, you have to wander around.
Difficulty falling asleep due to a feeling of pulsation all over the body, possibly also severe hunger. You don’t get any rest until after midnight, then you have very vivid dreams, mostly of trouble and arguments.
Circles of thought
Nux vomica
after excessive consumption of coffee, nicotine or alcohol. For more irritable, angry patients who wake up early in the morning and e.g. B. can no longer fall asleep because of thoughts of work.
Despite great exhaustion and tiredness, sleep is restless, superficial, disturbed by frequent waking or difficulty falling asleep. The thoughts circle incessantly (“thought carousel”).
Avena sativa
Light sleep that is interrupted frequently and for a long time, lack of deep sleep phase. Difficulty falling asleep due to rumination.
True great event
You toss and turn restlessly from side to side, brooding, feeling hungry. You can only fall asleep after midnight.
Spiraea ulmaria
You can’t fall asleep at night pondering your past and thinking about making amends for personal mistakes.
With restlessness
with great restlessness, accompanied by fear e.g. B. against burglars and death.
Nux vomica
from restlessness and excitement before an upcoming event, e.g. B. Examination or interview.
if you are overtired after physical exertion, often with muscle pain. The patient tosses and turns in bed and cannot rest.
Zinc metallicum
Nocturnal awakening due to restless legs (restless legs).
cough at night. The throat feels swollen, can hurt. You are very thirsty. Breathing is rapid. Although tired, one cannot fall asleep or stay asleep, is very restless, tosses and turns in bed.
Although you feel tired, it is difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. You don’t dream, you roll around restlessly. Lying on one side causes pain. During the day you have to yawn constantly because of lack of sleep.
Zincum valerianicum
Sleep disorders in children associated with restless legs and teeth grinding.
Trouble sleeping from grief
very light sleep from fresh grief. Patient yawns frequently and sighs a lot.
Sodium chloride
Difficulty falling asleep because of a long-ago sad event or long-standing grief.
Sleep disorders can be divided into over 80 different forms based on their symptoms and causes. The classification of the sleep disorder can roughly be divided into
- insomnia and
- sleep disturbance occur.
Difficulty falling asleep
A possible difficulty falling asleep occurs when those affected have problems getting to rest in the evening and lie awake in bed for more than half an hour.
Sleeping disorder A sleeping disorder is characterized by the fact that those affected wake up after less than six hours of sleep
for no apparent reason and then can no longer sleep. To speak of a disorder, this condition should occur at least 3 times a week. In the case of constant sleep disorders, additional
- difficulty concentrating,
- restlessness _
- exhaustion,
- headache and
- increased irritability.
Avoid possible external causes
Insomnia can have a number of causes. External influences such as
- Noise,
- an uncomfortable bed
- light sources or
- room temperature too high or too low
can disturb sleeping habits and should therefore be avoided.
- If insomnia occurs, drinks containing caffeine should be avoided after 4 p.m.
- Video games or watching TV just before bedtime can also have a negative impact on sleep patterns.
- Psychological stress, triggered by fears, worries, problems or grief, can also lead to sleep disorders.
Treatment for persistent sleep deprivation
If the sleep deprivation lasts for several nights and cannot be compensated for in the following nights, various treatment options should be considered. can
- relaxation techniques,
- natural remedies,
- herbal remedies and
- homeopathic remedies
reduce the discomfort.
Sleep disorders in children
The first signs of sleep disorders in children can be:
- Difficulty concentrating at school or daycare
- Great tiredness in the morning
- Increased urge to move (wild romp, unable to sit still)
- dejection
- abnormal behavior (such as difficulty interacting with other children or separation anxiety)
Common causes of sleep problems in children
- Fears, worries and school stress
- Nightmares, sleepwalking and the night terrors
- Heavy/excessive media consumption, especially in the evening (television, cell phones, and video games)
- Going to bed too late (it should be 10 hours net sleep time)
- Poor sleeping habits (carrying around to sleep or pulling mom’s hair to get to sleep)
- light and noise
- lavish and heavy meals in the evening
- Caffeinated beverages such as iced tea or cola
Conditions for a good night’s sleep in children
- Busy children sleep better (lots of exercise in the fresh air, creative activities that stimulate thinking)
- Familiar processes, a regular daily routine and routine help when going to bed
- Sleeping rituals make it easier to start the night
- A clear place to sleep creates reliability and gives security
- Children can end the day better with “bed talks”.
- Cuddly toys, comforters & Co. as sleeping companions
When to the doctor?
If the sleep disorder persists despite the precautions, you should seek professional advice from your doctor to rule out possible physical or mental illnesses.