Homeopathy Treatment for vagiena| discharge

Whitish and odorless vagiena| discharge is relatively normal in women. It is called white flow. However, if the discharge changes in quantity, color, smell or texture, this can be an indication of a disease. Homeopathic remedies are prescribed with the aim of acting on the underlying disease and reducing vagiena| discharge. 

Which homeopathic remedies help?

Physical symptoms are described below. Choose a homeopathic remedy for vagiena| discharge that best suits your situation.


White to yellow discharge with a strong smell. Dyes laundry yellow.

Potassium phosphoricum

Orange, smelly and regularly recurring discharge.

Kalium bichromicum

Thick, yellow and viscous vagiena| discharge. The discharge smells disgusting and is caustic.

Calcium phosphoricum

Milky and itchy discharge before menses in young girls.


Watery and white discharge from the vagiena. The discharge is sharp and itchy. Especially plenty right after getting up. The symptoms are worst before menstruation and are associated with abdominal and back pain.


Violent discharge of thick yellow mucus from vagiena. The labia itch, burn and are swollen.

Metallic Tin

Copious yellow discharge from the vagiena. The women feel very exhausted and suffer from back pain.

Causes of vagienal discharge

  • vagienal inflammation


  • Changed vagienal discharge (slimy, crumbly, foamy, purulent, bloody)
  • itching
  • altered odor of vagienal discharge (fishy, ​​cheesy)
  • Pains

Further tips and information on treatment

Since some infections of the vagiena can take a severe course and even lead to infertility, a doctor should always be consulted for clarification if the vagienal discharge changes.


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