Lemon Essential Oil for internal use

Lemon essential oil for internal use : properties, advice on how to use and benefits of essential oils.

Among the essential oils for internal use it is among the most widespread and most studied. Essential oil of lemon have antibacterial and purifying: it is a natural remedy for inflammation of the oral cavity and can help address the gastric tract disorders.

The essential oil is extracted by cold pressing of the lemon peel and has a high content of pine and terpenes, such as limonene.

Lemon essential oil for internal use

According to several studies, limonene could be a useful ingredient in the prevention and treatment of some types of cancer.

Do not overlook the properties antiseptic, antibiotic, cleansing, immune-boosting and active-inflammatory essential oil content of lemon principles.

In particular, the antibiotic properties of limonene, combined with the antioxidant properties of vitamin C, improve the resistance of our organism, protect us from ailments and influences. To protect us, in a natural way, also the flavonoids, in particular the hesperidin contained in abundance in the essential oil of lemon. This substance, thanks to its bactericidal properties, is able to improve the health of our body.

Thanks to the citrates contained in this essential oil, a natural remedy is obtained to relieve the symptoms of arthritis, rheumatism and to assist in the treatment of arterial hypertension.

Lemon essential oil also promotes digestion: it stimulates the functioning of the liver, pancreas and mitigates acidity and heartburn (with the production of bile juices essential for the digestion of fats and to buffer the high acidity associated with to an abnormal production of fatty acids in the stomach).

It is true that lemon essential oil improves digestion and helps detoxify the liver and pancreas … however, in case of nausea, difficult and long digestion, peppermint essential oil for internal use could be a valuable aid. 

Lemon essential oil as a beauty remedy

We have stated that lemon essential oil has a high content of vitamin C and B vitamins. These micronutrients are essential to fight the signs of aging. They improve skin health, help delay the appearance of wrinkles and stimulate tissue healing as well as skin cell regeneration (they may even reduce wrinkles).

This essential oil improves nail health and strengthens them. In addition, thanks to vitamin PP, it stimulates venous circulation, improves the lymphatic system and counteracts cellulite, heavy legs, capillary fragility and varicose veins.

Lemon essential oil to ingest: where to buy it

When it comes to taking orally, it is important to choose a food-grade essential oil.

Where to find it? In the most well-stocked health food stores or online sites, always make sure you buy a pure oil and not a lemon essential oil supplement.

Lemon essence and not lemon essential oil

Although it is commonly used to speak of lemon essential oil referring to the product extracted from the peel, in reality this oil should be called “lemon essence“.

In technical terms, the substances extracted from citrus peels are called “essences“. It is good to make this clarification not so much for lemon as for other essential citrus oils. The essence of orange, in fact, is different from the essential oil of orange. The essence is extracted from the peel while the oil is obtained by steam distillation of leaves, flowers and other plant parts.

Essential Oils

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