What is magnesium chlorate?
Magnesium chloratum has a positive effect on the digestive tract and on the body’s musculoskeletal system. It is used for both constipation and diarrhea. The remedy is also given for liver problems. Magnesium chloride is helpful in diseases, mainly of the upper respiratory tract, as well as in complaints of the urinary tract and female genital organs.
Due to its positive effect on emotionally conditioned complaints or psychosomatic illnesses, the drug is administered quite frequently. It is also one of the preferred children’s remedies for digestive problems.
Magnesium chloratum can be used as an alternative to magnesium carbonate when symptoms tend to focus on liver problems and genitals. It is considered a colon cleanser.
Note: Magnesium chloratum is also known as Magnesium muriaticum
Leading symptoms
- Loss of taste and smell after a respiratory infection
- liver enlargement
- Knotty, crumbly stool
- In children, abdominal pain and diarrhea after drinking milk
- Headache better from strong pressure
- Deep forehead lines
Information about the agent
How do you recognize patients who need magnesium chloratum?
The appearance and drug picture of magnesium chloratum characterizes a very emotional patient who can sometimes even jump out of his skin. There may be a difficult relationship with the mother (symptom in contrast to Magnesium carbonicum). You are extremely conscientious and responsible, often worry about others and put your own needs in the background.
Insomnia prevails at night because one broods intensively on one’s own worries and everyday problems. Heavy sweating, nightmares and constant waking occur here, and one tries to solve one’s problems by running around at night. Despite hot flashes at night, people tend to be chilly.
Magnesium chloratum patients shy away from arguments, don’t like noise, often report neuralgic headaches or migraines with the urge to envelop their heads. Eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia can occur in adolescents. The tongue is coated yellow and makes a spongy impression. In addition, there is a distended upper abdomen with noticeable liver pressure. The stool is hard and bulbous (so-called “sheep droppings”). There is a feeling of pressure in the throat, as if a foreign body were stuck, one suffers from flatulence. Constipation is a reaction to milk and dairy products. You crave sour, juicy or dry foods, vegetables and sweets, and then suffer from heartburn and nausea.
The classic symptoms include frequent runny noses with constant, sore-making secretions and a blocked nose with the absence of the ability to smell and taste. Women suffer from severe menstrual cramps and white flow.
Magnesium chloratum is indicated for all typical symptoms that improve or worsen through the following modalities:
- hard pressure
- fresh air
- curvature when lying down
- light touch
- Lying on the right
- sea
- milk
- salt and sweets
- After the meal
- humidity
- Noise
What are typical areas of application for magnesium chloratum?
- indigestion
- liver pain
- teething problems
- sleep disorders
- Premenstrual syndrome
Areas of application in detail
Stitching pains in hip-joint, with morning numbness. Decreased with movement.
Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6
Rash around the mouth with intense itching and burning.
Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6
Headache migraine
The pain develops in the nerve tracts on the face and head and can also be caused by nose or ear problems.
Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6
Liver problems
If there is a strong feeling of pressure and pain in the upper right abdomen, which radiates to the right shoulder blade. The tongue shows a yellow coating and is bloated Bloating occurs.
Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6
Menstrual cramps
Rashes appear on the face during periods. These itch, are round. Before and at the beginning of the menstrual period, one suffers from abdominal cramps, radiating to the back and legs. Bleeding may be irregular (metrorrhagia). The remedy helps with irritability that can occur in the course of menstruation. It is indicated when there is increased white flow prior to the onset of bleeding. The bleeding itself is dark and is heaviest at night. Aggravation of discomfort when walking.
Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6
Migraines or migraine-like pains, the head seems to burst. One has the desire to envelop and protect one’s head softly.
Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6
Cradle cap
For children suffering from cradle cap and cow’s milk allergy. Brown scales form.
Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6
Sleep disorders
Constant waking up and troubled dreams. You wake up as if you hadn’t slept, feeling totally exhausted, like after drinking too much (“hangover”).
Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6
Mucous membranes
The nose serves as the guiding symptom here. You have to blow your nose a lot, but your nose is constantly blocked. You smell and taste bad. Congested ears and ear infections are also common.
Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6
Indigestion/ upset stomach
Hard constipation, stool comes off in lumps, is dry. Difficulty swallowing, as if something had caught in the throat. Frequent hiccups. The upper abdomen is hardened and bulging. One belches after rotten eggs or onions, sometimes has to vomit. Salt and milk make the symptoms worse.
Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6
Application information
Dosage form of magnesium chloratum
Classically, the drug is administered in low potency. You give globules, making sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day.
Magnesium chloratum dosage
In the case of digestive problems and headaches, the remedy is taken with five globules if necessary, but ideally three to five times a day, and more often in the case of acute symptoms. It is generally recommended to take it 15 minutes before meals.
In case of constipation, the remedy is best given on an empty stomach.
If menstrual pain occurs, magnesium chloratum can be given during the entire menstrual period with three daily doses (5 globules).
Children always receive the globules dissolved in water. In infants, three globules count as one dose. The dose and intake frequency for chronic and psychosomatic complaints – this also includes the rheumatic symptoms – should be coordinated with a homeopath.
Magnesium chlorate effect
Magnesium chloratum acts on the gastrointestinal tract, the liver, the central nervous system and the female genital organs.
Magnesium chlorate during pregnancy
Pregnant women benefit from homeopathic magnesium chloride for throbbing toothaches that occur mainly when chewing or at night. The remedy helps with nocturnal leg cramps and restless sleep, also with cravings and subsequent heartburn. Sleep can become more restful with the administration of magnesium chloride.
Magnesium chloratum for the baby
Magnesium chloratum can be helpful during the teething period when children are constipated and cannot tolerate milk during this period. The stool is light-colored and crumbly and can only be passed with great effort.
Magnesium chloratum for dogs, horses and cats
The homeopathic remedy is used in animals to treat neuralgia and arthrosis pain, among other things. The pain in the musculoskeletal system is tearing and improves with local heat applications and slow exercise in the fresh air.
Side Effects of Magnesium Chloratum
Below the potency D2, the drug must not be used by patients with kidney disease. Milk should be avoided during therapy. No other side effects or interactions are known.
Typical potencies: Magnesium chloratum is often used in the potencies D6 and D12, more rarely in the potency C200.
fabric type: mineral