What is Myristica?
The homeopathic remedy Myristica is closely related to the skin and mucous membranes. It is mainly used for purulent inflammations of the skin and mucous membranes.
Myristica is also known as a “homeopathic knife” because it is said to have an opening effect on abscesses. It is said to speed up suppuration and healing.
Leading symptoms
- nail bed inflammation
- Inflammatory skin diseases
- stiff hands
- Cracked, white-coated tongue
- Accelerates the healing of purulent inflammation
- Boils, acne, abscesses
Information about the agent
How do you recognize patients who need Myristica?
Myristica adults are very jumpy during sleep. You appear stunned and have no interest in professional matters. In the afternoon they have great concentration problems.
There is no evidence on the appearance of Myristica in children.
What are typical uses for Myristica?
- purulent inflammation
- nail bed inflammation
- abscesses
- boil
Areas of application in detail
Accelerate suppuration.
Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6
Accelerate suppuration.
Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6
Nail bed inflammation
Red, swollen, inflamed and painful nail bed. Mainly on the fingers. The inflamed area is very sensitive to touch.
Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6
Application information
Dosage forms of Myristica
Myristica is available as globules and as an ointment.
Dosage of Myristica
As a rule, Myristica D6 is given three times a day and Myristica D12 twice a day. The Myristica ointment is applied thinly three times a day.
Effect of Myristica
Myristica acts on the skin and mucous membranes.
Myristica in pregnancy
Myristica is not used to treat typical pregnancy symptoms, but can be given for all purulent processes of the skin and mucous membranes during pregnancy symptoms.
Myristica for the baby
Myristica is used in children to treat suppurative infections or abscesses.
Myristica for dogs, horses and cats
Myristica is given to animals when shards have entered to exorcise them. It has also proven effective in boils, abscesses and other purulent inflammations.
Myristica side effects
There are no known side effects when taking Myristica.
Similar remedies to Myristica

Hepar sulfuris and Silicea, like Myristica, are remedies used for suppuration.
Hepar sulfuris
Hepar sulfuris is indicated when purulent processes are accompanied by splinter-like pain. The sores bleed easily and are very sensitive to touch. Ameliorated by warm applications.
Silicea promotes suppuration and is indicated in severely chilled and exhausted patients.
Typical potencies: Myristica is mainly used in the 6X and 12X potencies and as an ointment.
fabric type: tree