Many beneficial properties are attributed to noni juice; in reality, however, scientific research has not yet pronounced itself definitively. Let’s see its potential and possible contraindications.
Noni (Morinda citrifolia), also called Indian mulberry, is a tree native to Southeast Asia. From the fruit is obtained a juice known for its properties. In fact, some doubts have been raised about the real benefits of noni juice and some of the properties attributed to it are currently the subject of scientific research.
Noni has been included in the GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe), the list of safe substances for the general population, drawn up by the Food and Drug Administration, the US government body for the protection and promotion of health.
In a document from EFSA, the European food safety agency, it is stated that noni juice is safe for the general population; however, it is noted that, according to some evidence, the product can cause hepatic toxicity (ie affecting the liver) in some predisposed subjects.
The nutrients of noni juice
Over 150 nutriceutical compounds have been identified in noni. The most important components of the fruit are:
- Vitamins and minerals: Especially vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, iron, selenium, calcium, zinc, sodium, copper, sulfur.
- Xeronine: An enzyme that performs a repairing function on damaged cells and promotes the absorption of nutrients taken from food.
- Terpenes: Antioxidant substances.
- Scopoletina: A substance that exerts several beneficial functions: it is hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, helps normalize blood pressure.
- Serotonin: A neurotransmitter that plays an important role in mood regulation.
- Damnacantale: A substance that helps strengthen the immune system.
Those listed are just some of the nutrients contained in noni juice. However, scientific research has not yet provided certain answers regarding the effects on human health of these elements at the doses contained in the noni phytocomplex.
The benefits of noni juice
Thanks to its composition, noni juice is considered a valid ally to strengthen the body’s immune defenses, counteract fatigue and reduce stress. Furthermore, it has a good antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antihypertensive action, thanks to the “scopoletin” which, as we have seen, helps to reduce and normalize blood pressure.
In general, therefore, noni juice is recommended in case of physical or mental fatigue, stress, bad mood, hypertension, high blood sugar, to counteract free radicals (and therefore oxidative stress), against headaches or to strengthen the immune system.
Additionally, it’s worth pointing out that a study found that noni juice reduces oxidative damage in smokers. Specifically, out of 245 people who participated in the study, those who drank noni juice had an approximate 45-50% reduction in one type of marker of tobacco smoke-related oxidative damage compared to the placebo group.
How to take noni juice
There are several preparations based on noni juice on the market. The taste of noni juice is not very pleasant, for this reason, in the supplements that contain it, there are also other fruits. When choosing your noni juice, read the label to check which other fruits are present, in what percentage, and if there is any water.
The appropriate dosage depends on several personal factors including age, health condition and much more. Natural products have no fewer side effects than synthetic ones and the correct dosage is essential for safety; here is another good reason to seek medical attention before purchasing this product.
Noni juice interactions
Noni juice should be taken between meals. It should also not be associated with coffee, tea, milk, alcohol and cigarette smoking. Noni juice also interferes with some medicines, including:
- ACE inhibitors and sartans, two classes of drugs used to lower blood pressure;
- Warfarin, an anticoagulant drug;
- Diuretics.
Furthermore, it should not be taken together with potentially hepatotoxic drugs.
Contraindications of noni juice
Noni juice is not indicated during pregnancy because it could be abortive. Avoid taking it even while breastfeeding as there is no evidence that it is safe for the baby. Noni contains a lot of potassium and this can be a problem for people with kidney damage.
Furthermore, as previously mentioned, it is suspected that noni juice can have negative effects on the liver; therefore, avoid using it if you suffer from liver diseases.