Overcoming Emotional Eating: 4 tips

Being emotionally hungry means consuming more nutrients than you need. Often favored by the hyperpalatability of some foods, it can be won.

Eating without feeling the urge to hunger is a more serious problem than it may seem. This behavior is often favored by the great palatability of the many foods offered on the market. However, overcoming emotional eating is not impossible.

The addition of sugars, trans fats and additives in foods induces us to eat even when our appetite is satisfied. This condition is associated with being overweight because we often end up consuming more calories than the body is capable of burning.

The effects of anxious hunger will be noted in deteriorating health and the development of chronic diseases .

What is emotional eating and how does it harm us?

Emotional eating consists in consuming food without having an appetite, for the sole pleasure of the palate. The main problem is that, in this way, the nutritional requirement is exceeded. There will also be a tendency to abuse substances that are anything but healthy.

It should be borne in mind that both simple sugars and trans fats have already been shown to have a negative effect on the body, as they alter the proper functioning of organs and metabolism.

Emotional eating is linked to the consumption of ultra-processed industrial products, which have been demonstrated to be dangerous. It is proved by research that are linked to a higher risk of getting sick.

The ideal diet must be based on the consumption of fresh food, reserving the purchase of industrial products for a few occasions. The problem is that these products have on their side the fact that they are very appetizing.

Ultra-processed products often have a greater “palatability”, which increases the desire to eat overtime and in excess.

How to overcome emotional eating?

Here is a series of tips that help overcome emotional eating and increase psycho-physical well-being.

1. Don’t go to the supermarket on an empty stomach

Going shopping when we feel hungry increases the likelihood of putting treats and products with poor nutritional quality in the cart.

The simple fact of buying them is already negative , because once home, when we want to put something under our teeth, we will run to look for them. Thanks to the pleasant taste and texture, it will be difficult to stop eating them, even if we feel full.

2. Increase your fiber intake

Another tip is to increase your dietary fiber intake. This non-digestible nutrient has the power to increase the feeling of satiety . 

Increasing the consumption of fiber decreases the risk of “nibbling” between meals, especially with snacks that are too sweet or delicious but nutritionally empty.

3. Avoid distractions at the dinner table

It is important to avoid eating while watching TV, while using cell phones or computers . The risk is to lose the notion of the quantities consumed.

This could lead us to overeat a certain food, precisely because we are only satisfying the palate. Once a certain amount is exceeded, hunger ceases to be physiological or dictated by a real need.

When we approach a food, it is important to engage all the senses , to be aware of what we are eating.

4. Avoid sweet sodas

Regular consumption of sugar can be addictive . Drinking a soft drink basically means consuming a high amount of simple carbohydrates dissolved in water.

The impact on the body will be very negative and it is likely that the body will require constant consumption over time. Once again, these are quantities exceeding our needs.

Some activities, such as using electronic devices, promote emotional eating

Emotional eating can be overcome

As complicated as it sounds, it is possible to overcome emotional eating. The first step is to be aware of the problem. 

If your goal is to overcome emotional eating, these tips will prove effective in the medium term.

Keeping in mind that this is a behavior closely linked to psychological well-being, possible help could come from a psychotherapist or a “nutritional coach”.

It is essential to keep in mind that hunger is a sensation linked to a physiological need. When this link disappears, it would be good to avoid eating. When there is no real hunger, our body is fine, because it has already covered its nutritional needs.

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