Peppermint Essential Oil: properties, benefits, uses

Peppermint essential oil, properties, benefits, composition and where to find it. Useful indications for its intake and internal use.

The essential oil of peppermint is widely used in aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine in which the aromatic substances are very important because they are capable of stimulating the senses and special centers of our body.

Peppermint essential oil, properties and uses

The essential oil of peppermint is perfect to vaporize at home but the essential oils must be seen as something more than just a natural perfumer. Widespread in environments, peppermint essential oil is used to exert its refreshing and relaxing power.

Used for the preparation of ointments, it is useful against inflammation, irritation, muscle pain, stiffness, headache … how to use it? Just dilute it in a carrier oil and use it for massages to loosen muscles and relieve inflammation.

The essential oil of peppermint is suitable for the production of soaps and detergents do it yourself or to make scented candles at home.

The essential oil of peppermint is composed primarily of menthol (40.7%), menthone (23.4%) and other components such as menthyl acetate, 1,8-cineole, limonene, beta-pinene and beta-caryophyllene.

Thanks to its composition, for oral use, mint essential oil is used as a remedy for various diseases of the gastro-intestinal system. This product is currently being studied extensively because it appears to play a crucial role in the short-term treatment of irritable bowel syndrome.

The essential oil of mint peppermint is popular for its carminative properties, cholagogue, antibacterial and secretolitiche, has anti-inflammatory action useful in case of inflammation of the oral tract (cough, sore throat, cold …).

Mint essential oil for headache

In particular, in aromatherapy, peppermint essential oil is used to soothe chronic migraines and headaches.

A natural remedy for headaches is to add 10 drops of lavender essential oil, 2 drops of mint essential oil to 50 ml of vegetable oil. After wetting your fingers in this compound, just rub the temples, forehead and nape with circular movements. For chronic migraine sufferers, it is recommended to repeat the treatment 2-3 times a day or to use  oral peppermint  as a natural supplement.

Peppermint essential oil, where to buy it

When it comes to the effectiveness of aromatherapy, a lot depends on the quality of the essential oil chosen. The active ingredients of essential oils are preserved only if the production process is followed with extreme care so as to respect the characteristics of each plant. For these reasons, buy (online or in trusted shops) only essential oils of proven quality.

Contraindications and side effects

Like all essential oils, even for mint oil, it is necessary to use it diluted and not pure. Both when you want to use it orally, and for external use.

At high dosage, when used for internal use, it can cause heartburn so it is always necessary to follow the recommended doses on the purchase bottle.

It is not recommended during pregnancy and, in case of known pathology, it is advisable to consult your doctor before taking it in conjunction with other treatments.

Essential Oils

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