Reishi mushroom for Herbal Naturopathy: properties, benefits, uses, side effects

The reishi (Ganoderma lucidum), which owes its name to its shiny appearance, is a very common species. With analgesic and anti- inflammatory properties , it is also known as the mushroom of immortality. Let’s find out better.

Description of the mushroom

Reishi grows in all seasons, in China and Japan, where it is called Ling Zhi or spiritual power, but also in all Italian regions, on stumps and branches buried or at the base of broad-leaved trunks. In traditional Chinese medicine  it is considered a tonic and adaptogen and is known as the mushroom of immortality !

It is an immune stimulant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, has an antihistamine and cortison-like effect, expectorant and antitussive. It has always been used as a cardiac tonic , it improves the metabolism of the heart muscle by regulating blood pressure.

It modulates the immune system by working in prevention but also when important degenerative diseases are already present.

The properties of reishi

This mushroom has about 150 known properties as it is rich in polysaccharides, peptides, proteins and is one of the anticancer foods because it contains Organic Germanium with known anti-cancer properties.

Furthermore, Ganoderma contains ganoderic acid which decreases histamine, hence its powerful antiallergic action. Last but not least, the pantothenic acid contained works on the nervous system, nourishing and balancing it.

Reishi also improves the level of stress by acting on the nervous system and freeing us from fatigue and weakness. It has anticancer characteristics as it contains antioxidant substances such as vitamins C, D and B , in addition to the aforementioned anticancer mineral, Germanium.

It has an antihypertensive and antithrombotic effect as it balances the pressure and acts by thinning the blood.

Action on the liver and digestive system

Reishi has hepatoprotective properties with detoxification activity; its ability to support and regenerate the liver cell is demonstrated. It is widely used to support the treatment of chronic liver diseases of various origins, such as hepatitis, but also in the case of degenerative liver diseases (carcinoma).

The constant intake of reishi regulates the production of gastric juices and, over time, also improves intestinal peristalsis, becoming useful in the treatment of stispi and spastic colon. This is thanks to the connection between the nervous system and the entire digestive system.

The effect of this fungus on the ability to manage stress seems to improve the gastrointestinal somatization of some very sensitive subjects.

When to use reishi

In case of fatigue, insomnia, asthenia, mental confusion, palpitations, degenerative and even neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson’s disease), stress, anxiety, asthma and allergy.

Reishi in traditional Chinese medicine

It has a bitter taste, a cooling effect and acts on the meridians of the heart, spleen, stomach, liver and lungs . Its main colors are red, black and white, its main seasons are spring and summer. It acts on the Water, Fire and Wood Lodges, has very important toning properties on the IQ, nourishes the blood and calms the mind!

Reishi has the characteristic of centering the two cerebral hemispheres, improves memory and the ability to observe and decide, and brings mental clarity.


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