According to the Schuessler theory, Schuessler Salt No. 11 Silicea (silicic acid) should help to build up and strengthen the connective tissue. It is supposed to give the tissue strength, moisture and resistance to infections, for example. Silicea is also given for problems with bones and ligaments, skin, nails or hair.
What is Schuessler Salt No. 11: Silicea?
Silicon is a naturally occurring element that is only present in combination with oxygen. These silicas are commonly found with other minerals in many rocks. In the human organism, on the other hand, only small amounts of silicon are present, which are probably involved in the formation of bones, cartilage and connective tissue.
In the teaching of Dr. Schuessler, the Schuessler Salt No. 11, Silicea, is an important substance for the development of the connective tissue structure. It is also said to strengthen brittle connective tissue. The salt is considered a suitable building and strengthening agent for skin, ligaments, nails and bones as well as for blood vessels. Injuries to the skin or purulent, inflammatory skin diseases such as abscesses or fistulas are treated in the healing practice with Schuessler salts No. 11 to support them.
However, Schuessler salts are not a dietary supplement. They only contain the eponymous salt in homeopathic doses and therefore cannot directly compensate for a corresponding salt deficiency.
The goal of ingestion is to alleviate symptoms that are similar to those that would occur with a corresponding salt deficiency. The Schuessler salt should also work if there is a completely different cause behind the symptoms.
According to naturopaths, acidification of the organism is a common cause of a wide variety of complaints: crystallized acids are said to be deposited and consequently lead to skin and connective tissue problems or rheumatic complaints. Then, as a rule, Schuessler salt 9 (Natrium phosphoricum) and Schuessler salt No. 11 (Silicea) are administered. These appear to transport the crystallized acids out of the tissue. Schuessler salts are said to help alleviate arthrosis or other diseases caused by hyperacidity.
Furthermore, Silicea is said to regulate the conductivity of nerve tracts.
Locations for Silicea
According to the medicine Dr. Schuesslers in all body cells and the extracellular matrix. Schuessler Salts No. 11 should be used excessively in the case of high health burdens or extreme character traits. If the supplies are running out, the organism falls back on its stores. In Silicea they are found in connective tissue, bones and skin.
Symptoms and diseases of Silicea deficiency
If there is a lack of Silicea, various complaints are conceivable. These are mainly related to the connective tissue, the skin, the nails, the blood vessels, but also to the nervous system:
- connective tissue weakness
- dull, limp hair hanging down, split ends
- Brittle nails or layers peeling off the nails
- rheumatism
- sciatic pain
- Tendency to bruises, stretch marks
- Twitching of the eyelids or corners of the mouth
- Sensitivity to light and sound
Application of Silicea
Silicea is recommended for both internal and external use.
Internal use of Silicea
The mineral silicic acid is usually recommended by therapists in the twelfth potentiation, i.e. as Silicea D12. The Silicea D12 dosage depends on the severity of the symptoms. According to Chinese organ clock, morning intake is recommended for best effect.
External use of Silicea
Applied thinly one to three times, ointments, creams or gels with Silicea D12 mainly help to improve skin problems.
Characteristic causes of a lack of Silicea
Compulsive character structures consume according to the concept of Dr. Schuessler many Schuessler salts. The stronger the compulsion, the more minerals are consumed. People who want to be fair to others to an exaggerated extent, who want to be responsible for everything and constantly want to “function” properly should consume a particularly large amount of silica. The striving for permanent harmony and the avoidance of often necessary arguments seems to be the motor for a very high consumption of silicic acid.
Naturopaths recommend those affected to take responsibility only for themselves and their own lives. This makes your own possibilities clear, which you can then use for yourself, but also for others.
Signs of deficiency on the face
With the help of the so-called face diagnosis, experienced naturopaths determine a lack of Schuessler salts. They recognize the respective salt and the strength of the deficiency by certain features on the face. If the body lacks Silicea, the following hallmarks seem to be visible:
- “crow’s feet” on the eyes
- glassy and translucent skin, especially on the forehead or nose
- generally dry, cracked or wrinkled skin
- Wrinkles in front of the ear
More information about Silicea
According to the medicine of Dr. Schuessler, Silicea-related symptoms improve with heat, while worsening occurs in the morning or from light and noise, and during menstruation.
If Silicea starts to work after ingestion, the body sometimes reacts with heavy sweating. Sweat can sometimes smell unpleasant.
Some ailments cannot be treated with Silicea alone. For example, naturopaths recommend going to the doctor for abscesses or fistulas.