Schuessler Salt No. 23, sodium bicarbonicum (sodium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate, baking soda) is considered a functional agent for the acid-base balance. It is said to reduce the formation of uric acid and help with gout. It should also bind carbon dioxide, which is produced in almost all combustion processes. Natrum bicarbonicum is one of the 15 supplements that are often combined with base salts. Read more about the Schuessler salt sodium bicarbonate here.
Worth knowing about Schuessler Salt No. 23: sodium bicarbonicum
Schuessler Salt No. 23, also known as sodium bicarbonicum or sodium bicarbonate (soda), is said to help with over-acidification of the stomach and has a direct effect on the pancreas.
However, Schuessler salts are not a dietary supplement. They only contain the eponymous salt in homeopathic doses.
The goal of ingestion is to alleviate symptoms that are similar to those that would occur with a corresponding salt deficiency. The Schuessler salt should also work if there is a completely different cause behind the symptoms.
If, for example, the sugar, protein and fat balance is disturbed, sodium bicarbonicum is said to bind excessive uric acid, which is why naturopaths like to use it for rheumatic diseases and gout. In principle, it is recommended to take not only sodium bicarbonicum, but also sodium phosphoricum (No. 9) in the form of a Schuessler salt in the case of illnesses that are associated with hyperacidity.
Note: According to Schuessler, sodium bicarbonicum (No. 23) and sodium phosphoricum (No. 9) are deacidifying agents.
Schuessler salt sodium bicarbonate is also said to boost metabolism and stimulate ammonia detoxification in the liver through the formation of urea. The urea is then excreted through the kidneys. Natrum bicarbonicum should generally support the excretion of all substances eliminated via the urine.
Locations for Natrum bicarbonicum
According to the Schüßler healing method, the main stores of sodium bicarbonicum are in the cells of the blood, pancreas and liver. If these reserves are excessively strained over a long period of time, typical signs of deficiency can result.
Typical causes of sodium bicarbonicum deficiency
According to Schuessler, compulsive character structures should have an influence on which mineral salts our body consumes excessively. However, deficiency is not automatically indicative of character, and ingesting salt does not simply change a person’s traits. However, the gift of a mineral salt should help to make it easier to work on these compulsive character traits by releasing inner blockages and balancing an imbalance.
For the Schuessler salt 23, this means that people who like to suppress unpleasant things, act unconventionally and are quickly “sour”, claim their depot for sodium bicarbonate disproportionately. A good balance between loading and unloading would be desirable to conserve sodium bicarbonate stores, the theory goes.
Signs of deficiency on the face
According to Schuessler, some signs that speak for a deficiency can already be seen on the face with the help of the so-called facial diagnosis. However, only a few characteristics are described for insufficient amounts of sodium bicarbonicum. Possible indications can be puffy skin, swollen eyelids and dark circles.
Symptoms and diseases of sodium bicarbonicum deficiency
Symptoms associated with insufficient amounts of sodium bicarbonicum are manageable. The following complaints should be compensated with sodium bicarbonate:
- Heartburn, hyperacidity, irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, feeling of fullness
- gout and rheumatism
- obesity
If elimination processes are inhibited, this can worsen the symptoms. A lot of sitting, heat, thunderstorms, mental exertion and changes in the weather are also said to make the symptoms worse. Movement, on the other hand, seems to have a beneficial effect.
If symptoms persist, it is essential to consult your family doctor.
Application of sodium bicarbonicum
Potencies of 6X or 12X are described for sodium bicarbonate. The Schüßler Salt 23 is mainly used internally.
Internal use of sodium bicarbonicum
Depending on the type and extent of the symptoms, the naturopath advises one to ten Schuessler salt sodium bicarbonicum tablets per day. The tablets are designed to dissolve slowly in the mouth to allow the minerals to be absorbed directly through the oral mucosa. In the short term, heartburn can occur after taking sodium bicarbonate.
According to the Chinese organ clock, the best time to take sodium bicarbonicum is between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. for the stomach and between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. for the pancreas. During these two hours, the relevant organs are running at full speed.
Dissolving several tablets in hot water (as with the “Hot Seven”, Magnesium phosphoricum, Schuessler Salt No. 7) is not recommended for sodium bicarbonicum or any other supplement.
External use of sodium bicarbonicum
External application of Schuessler Salt No. 23, sodium bicarbonicum, in the form of a poultice (made of 3 tablets) is intended to relieve pain and swelling from insect bites.
Other important information about Natrum bicarbonicum
If there is too much acid, a so-called base powder is often used to neutralize it. However, those with Schuessler experience advise against this and instead recommend a combination of sodium phosphoricum and sodium bicarbonicum. In addition to sodium phosphoricum, sodium bicarbonicum can also be taken with the following basic remedies: sodium sulphuricum, potassium sulphuricum and silica.