Ustilago Maydis in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Ustilago maydis?

In homeopathy, Ustilago maydis is given for patchy hair loss on the one hand and prolonged menstrual bleeding during menopause on the other.

The homeopathic remedy is one of the small remedies and is rarely used in practice.

Leading symptoms

  • Fibroids in the uterus with bleeding
  • Ovarian and pelvic pain, left
  • threatened miscarriage
  • uterine bleeding
  • Hot flashes during menopause
  • cradle cap

Information about the agent

Appearance of Ustilago maydis

Ustilago maydis is given for patchy hair loss on the one hand and prolonged menstrual bleeding during menopause on the other. The homeopathic remedy is one of the small remedies and is rarely used in practice.


Ustilago maydis is indicated for all typical symptoms that are improved or worsened by the following modalities:


  • contact
  • Movement

What are typical uses for Ustilago maydis?

  • menstrual cramps
  • hair loss

Areas of application in detail

Hair loss

Circular hair loss

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Menstrual cramps

Prolonged and heavy menstrual bleeding during menopause. Blood contains stringy, dark clots.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Application information

Dosage forms of Ustilago maydis

In classical homeopathy, Ustilago maydis is mainly administered as globules.

Ustilago maydis dosage

Ustilago maydis is administered in D potencies several times a day. The potencies 6X and 12X are used particularly frequently. Ustilago maydis 6X is given up to three times a day and in the potency 12X up to twice a day. Once the symptoms improve, Ustilago maydis is given less frequently.

In the potencies 30C or 200C, Ustilago maydis is only given once.

Ustilago maydis effect

Ustilago maydis acts on the female genital organs and hair.

Ustilago maydis during pregnancy

Ustilago maydis is given to pregnant women if they develop bleeding after a cervical exam or after a miscarriage. The blood is laced with black, stringy clots.

Ustilago maydis for the baby

Infants and children are not usually treated with Ustilago maydis.

Ustilago maydis for dogs, horses and cats

Ustilago maydis is given to unneutered tomcats to reduce unwanted marking behavior.

Side effects of Ustilago maydis 

So far there are no indications of side effects when taking Ustilago maydis. At the beginning of treatment with Ustilago maydis, there may be a short-lasting worsening of the symptoms, but this usually subsides quickly. If the drug is taken too frequently or for too long, it can lead to a lasting worsening of the symptoms.

Improvement & deterioration

Typical potencies: Ustilago maydis is often used in potencies 6X, 12X, 30X or 200X.

fabric type: Mushroom


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