Veterinary homeopathy

Listening and human approach to the subject. Which can have four legs. Let’s discover veterinary homeopathy

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy (from homòios, similar, and pàthos, disease) represents a course of care for symptoms or diseases that uses infinitesimal doses of substances that in higher doses would cause the same disorders or diseases in healthy subjects, according to the principle summarized in the sentence “Similia similibus curantur “. Homeopathic remedies therefore tend to respect the body, not by eliminating the symptom, but by stimulating the patient to overcome the disease, strengthening the constitution.

Homeopathic substances for therapeutic purposes are 70% of plant origin, but there are also substances of animal and mineral origin. They are substances subjected to dilution and shaking, to eliminate the toxicological properties, enhancing instead the therapeutic ones.

The homeopath prescribes the remedy according to the different psychophysical characteristics for each patient. This implies a human listening and approach to the subject, and not only to the disease, as often happens with traditional medicine. Subject that is not only represented by man, but also by different animal species. What is veterinary homeopathy characterized by?

Veterinary homeopathy

Veterinary homeopathy, as the name implies, deals with patients such as horses, dogs and cats. Already this type of patients, according to veterinary homeopaths, would evade the criticism related to the placebo effect, as they would not realize that they were undergoing therapy.

Among the disorders treated by veterinary homeopathy there are usually acute pathologies such as diarrhea, allergies, dermatitis, infections, bronchitis and various traumas.

The methods of administration of homeopathic preparations, diluted in water, are orally, by means of a syringe without a needle. This allows the animal not to feel the bitter taste, typical instead of antibiotics.


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