Viola Tricolor in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Viola tricolor?

In homeopathy, Viola tricolor is mainly used to treat weeping and crusting eczema. The scalp, face and ears are most commonly affected. When the crusts rupture, a yellow, thick, sticky secretion is secreted that matts the hair.
Patients suffer from severe itching.

Leading symptoms

  • Severely itchy eczema in children
  • Rashes with thick crusts that secrete yellow, viscous discharge
  • Hot flashes and sweating of the face after eating
  • Urine smells like cat urine
  • Fungal infection of the skin with severe itching and swelling of the lymph nodes

Information about the agent

Appearance of Viola tricolor

Patients who need Viola tricolor often appear sad and grumpy. You have trouble getting up to work.


Viola tricolor is indicated for all the typical symptoms that are ameliorated or worsened by the following modalities:


  • In the winter
  • 11 am

What are typical areas of application for Viola tricolor?

  • eczema
  • cradle cap

Areas of application in detail


The whole body can be covered with small red pimples or pustules. The rash is very itchy and forms crusts. The crusts are thick and exude a thick, yellow liquid when broken open. The rash often affects the head, face and the region around the ears. Accompanying rheumatic pain can occur all over the body. Symptoms worsen at night.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Cradle cap

Cradle cap, with purulent yellow discharge and yellow crusts. The hair is matted and stringy. Urine smells like cat urine. Cradle cap in newborns.

Dosage: 3 times a day 3 globules in the potency D6

Application information

Dosage forms of Viola tricolor

Viola tricolor is used as a homeopathic remedy mainly in the form of globules. There are also commercially available phytotherapeutic creams or ointments with the active ingredient Viola tricolor for external use.

Dosage of Viola tricolor

The homeopathic Viola tricolor is given in the potency 6X two to three times a day until the skin has healed. Five to ten drops of the mother tincture can be added to a glass of water and used for external poultices.

Effect of Viola tricolor

Viola tricolor acts mainly on the skin.

Viola tricolor during pregnancy

Viola tricolor is not prescribed to treat typical ailments during pregnancy. The administration of Viola tricolor has proven itself for weeping, itching and crust-forming eczema during pregnancy. The scalp is particularly affected. When the crusts come off, a yellow and thick secretion is secreted. This secretion is sticky and matts the hair.

Viola tricolor for the baby

Viola tricolor is one of the main remedies for treating cradle cap in children. The scalp, face and skin around the ears are most commonly affected. The skin tears on the earlobes or behind the ears. Crusts form on the skin. These secrete a thick, yellow secretion when they break open. The children suffer from severe itching. The hair becomes matted from the cradle cap and discharges. Children’s urine smells like cat urine.

Viola tricolor for dogs, horses & cats

Viola tricolor is used for itchy skin diseases in dogs, horses, cats and other animals. The rash can affect the whole body. Thick crusts form which, when broken open, secrete a yellow and sticky secretion that matts the fur.

Side effects of Viola tricolor

So far there is no evidence of side effects when taking the homeopathic remedy Viola tricolor. At the beginning of the treatment, there may be a short initial reaction with worsening of the symptoms. This should only last a short time. If you take it too often or if you take it for too long, the rash may get worse.

Typical potencies: Viola tricolor is mainly used in the potency 6X or as a mother tincture.

fabric type: plant


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