Balance Woman is the Australian Bush Flower Essences compound dedicated to women, but not only: in fact, the re-balancing of female aspects can also affect men. The combination is effective in fostering the calm and stability needed to deal with the natural, biological and physiological changes in women’s lives, as well as becoming aware of their own lower and outer beauty.
The composition of Balance Woman
The compound consists of the following single flowers:
- Billy Goat Plum, promotes acceptance and adaptation towards feelings of shame or disgust for physical and bodily problems and situations such as, for example, menstruation, physical changes, skin problems such as acne, eczema and dermatitis especially when they are affected from the female hormonal cycle.
- Bottlebrush allows you to experience all physical (pregnancy, menopause, etc …) and social changes with serenity and confidence. It also promotes a healthy and reciprocal mother-child relationship, and we also remember its action on intestinal functions, often also influenced by the female cycle.
- Bush Fuchsia, favors the re-balancing of the hypothalamus and cerebral hemispheres, increases intuition and the ability to be in tune with nature and internal and external rhythms.
- Crowea, has a remarkable calming and invigorating effect on body and mind, giving an intense sense of well-being and quiet. It is an excellent remedy for anxiety and worries, with manifestations of muscular or gastric tension.
- Five Corners, fosters love, self-esteem and acceptance, especially in all moments of change and in all natural phases of life.
- Mulla Mulla is useful for controlling situations characterized by excess heat, such as sweating, symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome, vaginitis, hot flashes in menopause. In this case, the Compound can be used morning and evening, and the single essence during the day, as needed.
- Old Man Banksia, gives the ability to manage any challenging situation that life presents by favoring greater availability. It balances the thyroid activity.
- Peach-flowered Tea Tree, is specific for mood swings, typical for example during the different phases of the female cycle or in post partum; it balances, on the physical level, pancreatic activity.
- Pink Flannel Flower, offers the opportunity to appreciate and enjoy all the experiences that life has in store for us, drawing lessons from every lived situation. It favors the opening of the heart, therefore the acceptance (also in the conception).
- She Oak, is the main floral remedy of this combination and of women: it helps to overcome hormonal imbalances at any stage of life, in particular it favors the rebalancing of ovarian activity and the hydration of skin and mucous membranes.
Recommendations for use

Drops : 7 drops under the tongue, morning and evening, upon awakening and before falling asleep.
Oral spray : 2 sprays on the tongue.
The compound is indicated for all female and male hormonal problems, acting on the emotional discomfort that leads to physical discomfort. In the international literature there are precise protocols for infertility and as hormone replacement therapy in the menopause phase. The indication of Women’s Balance also favors the re-balancing towards the natural rhythms of the woman after taking the pill, cyclically or for a long time.
Body environment spray cream are part of the Love System line of skin products with natural, organic ingredients, and thanks to the use of floral essences.
Balance Woman Cream is a compound formulated with the finest essential oils, vegetable butters and nourishing herbal extracts collected in the Australian bush. It should be applied to the face, hands or body with a slight pressure movement that ensures excellent absorption. Suitable for the changes that puberty, menstrual cycles, pregnancy and menopause inevitably bring about.
The body environment spray was created to re-balance the different emotional phases of women. It has a nourishing, purifying and invigorating formulation thanks to a unique composition of herbal and floral extracts and oils.
Spray on the face (protecting the eyes) and body or apply a small amount on the palm of the hand and, using the fingertips, gently massage the skin. Used in the environment it helps to create a pleasant and relaxed place.