Homeopathy Treatment for heart issues

The heart stumbles, races, or has stitches. Even healthy people sometimes experience these heart problems. In these cases, muscle tension is usually the cause. However, the symptoms can also indicate a disease of the heart, which should be clarified diagnostically. Homeopathic remedies can be used concomitantly to stabilize the body and alleviate symptoms. Which homeopathic remedies help? Physical … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for insect bites

In summer, the beautiful weather invites you to outdoor activities. However, the joy is often spoiled by insects buzzing around. Bees, wasps, horseflies and mosquitoes are attracted to smells and movements. When they sting or bite, it is sometimes very painful. The puncture site may burn, itch and become inflamed. As a rule, however, insect bites are not dangerous – … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for impotence

Doctors refer to impotence as erectile dysfunction. In this case, the man cannot maintain an erection and cannot carry out his sex life satisfactorily because the erection is not sufficient or the pe^is relaxes prematurely. Homeopathic remedies are used to alleviate problems on a physical and psychological level. Which homeopathic remedies help? Physical symptoms are described … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for hot flashes

Along with sweating, hot flashes are one of the most common symptoms of menopause. They are annoying and about two thirds of all women suffer from them to some extent. The frequency and strength vary. While some women experience hot flashes more than 20 times a day, others rarely experience them or find the hot flashes positive. Which … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for

Lumbago causes acute pain in the lower back. Any further movement causes even greater pain. Sometimes the pain is so severe that those affected cannot move at all. They remain in a relieving posture in which they stand slightly bent over. In the supine position, with legs bent at right angles, the pain subsides somewhat. Homeopathic remedies are said … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for autumn depression

When the days start getting shorter again in autumn, the influence of light decreases, and temperatures drop, the body begins to adjust to the changes. Many people not only react physically to this change, but also show psychological symptoms. One speaks here of the typical “autumn depression“, colloquially also of the “autumn blues”. Homeopathy offers several ways … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for hoarseness

Hoarseness is caused by inflammation affecting the vocal cords directly or spreading to the vocal cords from the area around the throat. The inflammation prevents the vocal cords from vibrating freely, and the voice only works to a limited extent or not at all. Homeopathic remedies have proven effective in relieving hoarseness and accompanying symptoms such … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for general Skin changes

Skin changes can occur on different parts of the body. They can develop slowly or quickly and they can be intermittent or chronic. The skin changes can look very different. They can affect just a single spot or large areas on different parts of the body. The causes of skin changes are varied. Homeopathic remedies have proven effective in … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for skin tuberculosis

In cutaneous tuberculosis, the skin is chronically inflamed. A bacterium is responsible for the infection, which can also trigger pulmonary tuberculosis. Symptoms include nodular thickening of the skin, ulcers, and swollen lymph nodes. The most common form of cutaneous tuberculosis is lupus vulgaris. This is a very severe, chronic and progressively worsening type of skin tuberculosis. The inflammation primarily … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for urinary tract infection

A urinary tract infection is an inflammation of the urinary tract. These include the ureter, urethra and bladder. If the urethra or bladder is affected by the inflammation, this is referred to as a lower urinary tract infection. If the inflammation spreads to the ureters or even the kidneys, it is an upper urinary tract infection. Most urinary tract … Read more