Espeletia in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Espeletia? Homeopathy uses Espeletia (the monk’s plant) as a “fountain of youth” and uses it to treat age -related complaints and a lack of vital warmth as well as declining blood circulation, mental functions and concentration. The associated symptoms intensify around midnight and lead to insomnia and the resulting tiredness in the morning. Leading symptoms apathy difficulty concentrating … Read more

Erigeron Canadensis in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Erigeron canadensis? Erigeron is mainly used to treat bleeding. It has proven effective in headaches associated with nosebleeds, bleeding associated with cystitis and various gynecological bleedings. It is prescribed to women for bleeding between periods, prolonged and heavy menstrual bleeding and bleeding during pregnancy or after childbirth. The blood is usually bright red and flows in spurts. The bleeding … Read more

Euphorbium in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Erigeron canadensis? Erigeron is mainly used to treat bleeding. It has proven effective in headaches associated with nosebleeds, bleeding associated with cystitis and various gynecological bleedings. It is prescribed to women for bleeding between periods, prolonged and heavy menstrual bleeding and bleeding during pregnancy or after childbirth. The blood is usually bright red and flows in spurts. The bleeding … Read more

Equisetum in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Equisetum? Both Equisetum hyemale, the winter horsetail, and Equisetum arvense, the field horsetail, are hidden behind the homeopathic single remedy Equisetum. Equisetum is used for bladder and urinary tract problems. Typical areas of application are bladder irritation with a feeling of fullness and painful pressure in the lower abdomen on both sides. Patients feel a constant urge … Read more

Eupatorium in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Eupatorium? Homeopathy macerates the entire above-ground part of the Wasserast in alcohol and uses the resulting remedy  Eupatorium for influenza or malaria with body aches. Typical symptoms are a fever that begins with chills and turns into heat, profuse sweating with great thirst, aching bones and inner restlessness. In addition, there is often a headache, which is aggravated by sweating, … Read more

Homeopathy for Dogs

How do you administer homeopathic remedies to your dog? Homeopathic remedies come in a variety of dosage forms. The best-known form is probably the “sugar globules”. Furthermore, there are homeopathic remedies in the form of orodispersible tablets and dilution (drops). The simplest way to administer a homeopathic remedy to dogs is in globule form. You simply put the globules … Read more

Echinacea in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Echinacea? Echinacea is used in homeopathy to strengthen the immune system. It is used for bacterial infections, fever and respiratory diseases. It is used in purulent skin diseases and inflammation of the lymphatic vessels. Leading symptoms fatigue ulcers Inflammation of lymph nodes Insect bites, snake bites Information about the agent How do you recognize patients … Read more

Eucalyptus in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is eucalyptus? Eucalyptus acts on the mucous membranes and can be used as a remedy for all age groups, including self-medication. Although rarely used, the remedy has a positive effect on various complaints of the respiratory, urogenital and digestive tracts. It has a circulation-enhancing and antiseptic effect. Eucalyptus has a positive effect on the flora of the urinary tract and … Read more

Dioscorea Villosa in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Dioscorea villosa? The homeopathic remedy Dioscorea villosa is used for cramps and severe pain in the stomach and lower abdomen. It is used for navel, biliary and renal colic, for cramping, nervous menstrual pain and severe flatulence, as well as for gastrointestinal flu and diarrhea. Dioscorea villosa is given for erectile dysfunction and sexual overstimulation. … Read more

Dolichos in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Dolichos? Dolichos is used in homeopathy mainly for unbearable itching. The itching occurs in the context of skin diseases, liver disorders, advanced malignant diseases or even during pregnancy. The itching is greatly aggravated during the night and can become so severe that patients despair. Leading symptoms Itching without visible skin changes Constipation with bloating and itching Information … Read more