Homeopathy Treatment for nail bed inflammation

Nail bed inflammation, called “panaritium” by doctors, is the most common infection that you can get on your fingers. The inflammation caused by bacteria usually begins with a slight injury, which the person affected does not even have to notice. Even small cuts or cracks can get bacteria into the nail bed and settle there. If the immune … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for issues related to nails

Nail disorders occur relatively frequently and are usually harmless. Strength, structure, shape and color of the toenails or fingernails can change. Cracks, dents, discolouration, dots or grooves form on the nails. The changes in the fingernails or toenails can also be an indication of a health problem. Homeopathic remedies are helpful in improving the appearance of the nails … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for neck pain

One of the most common diseases in this country is called neck pain. Especially people who work a lot on the PC in the office but also in their free time suffer from this pain quickly. After back pain, neck pain takes second place among the ailments along the spine. Homeopathic remedies are used to relieve pain and … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for Muscle cramp

Especially occasional athletes fear it, all athletes know it, the sore muscles. Mild to severe pain occurs a few hours or even a few days after physical activity. Muscle soreness presumably occurs when small tears, so-called micro-traumas, occur in the muscle tissue as a result of overloading certain muscle groups during sporting activities. The small tears in the … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for bad breath

The unpleasant smell of the breath can have different causes. Bad breath occurs in everyone and is not pathological. It is usually organic compounds that make up bad breath and are associated with other diseases. Sulfur compounds are formed, especially during the night’s rest, which then lead to bad breath due to bacterial decomposition. Homeopathic remedies are used … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for mouth related problems

The term oral complaints includes various diseases of the mouth and oral cavity, which are usually accompanied by changes in the skin, the mucous membrane and pain. Homeopathic remedies are said to strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation and pain.  Which homeopathic remedies help? Physical symptoms are described below. Choose a homeopathic remedy for mouth … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a neurological disease that mostly occurs in young adulthood. It is a chronic inflammation of the central nervous system, which can affect the brain, optic nerves or spinal cord. The course of the disease is unpredictable. Initially, so-called “relapses” develop, which resolve with appropriate therapy or spontaneously, completely or partially. In most of those … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for fatigue

Fatigue is usually a harmless condition and is part of life. It is normal for the human body to feel tired in the evening after a hard day’s work or a lot of exercise in the fresh air. For some people, however, fatigue is a burden because the body cannot perform at its best and concentration decreases. … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for cradle cap

Cradle cap is a skin lesion in infants and young children that resembles burnt milk in appearance. The skin is covered with yellowish or whitish crusts. The affected skin areas can secrete a secretion and become inflamed. The face, scalp, arms and legs are particularly affected. Children who had cradle cap as babies are more likely to develop neurodermatitis … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for menstrual cramps

When menstrual cramps are mentioned, a whole range of differently pronounced symptoms are summarized that can occur before, during, and in some cases even shortly after a woman’s menstruation. The medical term is dysmenorrhea. It is divided into primary and secondary menstrual pain, both showing the same symptoms. Homeopathic remedies help menstrual cramps gently and without side … Read more