The Health Mist Sprays are part of the Living Floral Essences and are indicated for the treatment of physical problems and for the rebalancing of the Aura, our energy field. They contain pure essential oils of native plants of Australia that are associated with the healing power of flower essences. There are sprays for the balance of masculine and feminine, for relaxation, allergies, travel and related time zone problems. Let’s find out what they are.
Contentment for Men health mist
Contentment for Men health mist is a spray for the balance of male energy and the well-being of men.
It is suitable for local application, to express the balance of the masculine and the harmony of all its emotions. Enriched with Patchouli and Juniper Belly essential oils, this spray formula is indicated to balance one’s inner masculine principle (even in women).
It favors the expression of one’s libido in a playful and fun way and one’s romantic, sweet and sensitive side, feeling protected and self-confident.
Use: spray around the pubic area, the navel area and the sacral vertebrae, on the head starting from the hair line near the forehead, up to the nape. To be used on a daily basis, up to 6 times a day.
Contiene: Balga Blackboy (Zanthorea preissi), Pink Trumpet Flower (Gladiolus caryophyllaceus), Red Leschenaultia, Shy Blue Orchid (Cyanicula amplexans), Ursinia (Ursinia anthemoides).
Harmony and Relaxation mist
Harmony and Relaxation mist (Aura spray) is the spray for psychophysical relaxation.
This spray has been specially designed to be sprayed around us, in our aura and / or in the environment in which we live. It purifies from stress, anxiety, fatigue, muscle tension and from all the disharmonies we breathe every day, giving an immediate feeling of relaxation.
Useful to use when returning home after an intense working day, it gives immediate relief and renewed vitality. It can also be used in the workplace, thanks to the action of the Ursinia flower essence which promotes coordination, patience and team spirit.
Use: Spray around the body and / or in the environment to enjoy immediate relaxation. To be used up to a maximum of 8 times a day.
Contiene: Geraldton Wax (Chamelaucium uncinatum), Purple Flag Flower (Patersonia occidentalis), Reed Triggerplant (Stylidium junceum), Ursinia (Ursinia anthemoides).
Serenity for Women health mist
Serenity for Women health mist is the spray for the balance of the feminine (also suitable for men).
It is suitable for local application, to express the balance of the feminine and the harmony of all its emotions. Enriched with Patchouli and Juniper Berry essential oils, the formula is indicated for balancing and expressing one’s femininity and for rebalancing the energy center of emotions and sexuality. Promotes the balance of the feminine principle, inner strength and a sense of independence.
It allows you to live your emotions and sensitivity in harmony in the relationship with yourself and with others. It promotes one’s creativity and improves the expression of one’s personality.
Use: spray around the pubic area, the navel area and the sacral vertebrae. It is recommended to use daily to have a lasting effect.
Contains: Goddess Grasstree (Kingia argenta) and Orange Spiked Pea (Daviesa divaricata).
Sneezease health mist
Sneezease health mist is the spray for the energetic treatment of allergies.
The spray formula is indicated to free the nervous system from allergic reactions and to give protection from toxins of all kinds. It allows us to relieve the symptoms of allergic reactions that interfere with our life force.
Sneezease Health frees you from the sense of oppression and gives a deep sense of liberation, peace and protection thanks to the action of Shy Blue Orchid, which also protects the environment from the spread of viruses, and Cape Bluebell which fights toxins and infections.
Use: Spray in the mouth, around the throat, in the center of the forehead and hairline, on the fontanel, up to six times a day.
Contains: Cape Bluebell (Wahlenbergia capensis), Cowslip Orchid (Caladenia flavia), Macrozamia (Macrozamia reidlei), Shy Blue Orchid (Cyanicula amplexans), Woolly Smokebush (Conospermum incurvum).
Travel Ease mist

Travel Ease mist is the spray for travel and time zones.
This spray is indicated to counteract the destabilizing and disorienting effects caused by long journeys on our internal biological clock (jet lag or time zone) and radiation at high altitudes.
Usage: Spray behind the neck every hour while traveling, and for two days after arriving at your destination.
Contiene: Pink Everlasting (Helipterum roseum) Purple Flag Flower (Patersonia occidentalis).