Skin warts are a common problem that can affect people of all ages. The appearance of these bumps is usually caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), and while it is true that many of these skin lesions are not dangerous to health, they can be very unsightly for some.
In the event of warts appearing, the most important thing is to identify what type they are in order to find the best treatment, however, at treasurenatural.com we tell you that the majority of harmless warts can improve a lot with the simple use of some natural products… Did you know that in these cases apple cider vinegar can be your best ally? If you want a completely natural remedy to get rid of warts, in the following article we show you everything you need to know about apple cider vinegar for warts . Keep reading!
Benefits of apple cider vinegar for the face
Apple cider vinegar (also called cider vinegar) has been used for years to treat warts due to its antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. This makes it a very suitable natural ingredient to remove these bumps, since as we said before, warts are the result of a viral infection.
This ingredient also includes multiple essential minerals for strengthening the immune system, we speak, for example, of its content in phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, etc. As if that were not enough, apple cider vinegar is rich in vitamins A, B, B1, B2 and B6, as well as essential fatty acids. All this makes apple cider vinegar a perfect natural tonic to strengthen the immune system, purify the body of toxins and stimulate metabolism. These great benefits make apple cider vinegar ideal for treating certain minor problems. For example:
- Eliminates and prevents the appearance of warts
- Cleanses and tones the skin
- Treats eczema and redness
- Relieves itchy skin
- Helps treat acne
- Decreases irritation from various skin lesions (such as herpes)
- Reduce stains
Types of warts and why they appear
We have already seen that warts are small infections caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), a virus with more than 100 varieties. Although most of the time these skin lesions are not a serious problem, it is essential to correctly identify what types of warts you have and see a specialist if necessary:
- Common warts: also called vulgar, are those that appear on our skin more often. They appear, above all, on the hands, knees or elbows and are rough and painless.
- Filiform warts: these types of warts tend to appear on the eyelids, lips, face or neck and are characterized by having an elongated shape and being attached to it by a small stem/area. Sometimes they can be shaped like branches.
- Subungual warts: these warts appear on the toes and fingers, which makes it easier for the virus to spread to other areas of our body due to touch. They can also appear on the nails, which are known as periungual warts.
- Flat warts: they are common lesions in adolescents and children and are characterized by barely protruding from the skin. They are usually about 3 mm in diameter and are reddish or flesh-colored. Several can appear in the same area, and the most common areas of appearance are the fingers and the face.
- Plantar warts: these types of warts appear on the soles of the feet and are very common among those who expose their feet to wet floors (public showers, swimming pools, etc.). These warts can be painful when walking or running.
- Genital warts: as their name indicates, these warts appear in intimate areas (vulva, pe^is, anus), although they can also be in the groin, thighs or even in the perianal area. These warts are usually soft, dark, and are spread through skin contact during vagienal, anal, or oral sex.
We offer below different images with the types of warts that exist so that you can identify them more easily.
Apple cider vinegar for genital warts: is it good?
Apple cider vinegar should never be used to treat genital warts, just as it should never be used to treat filiform warts that appear near the eyes. We must bear in mind that apple cider vinegar (always mixed with water and used with caution) is a very effective remedy for treating common warts , that is, the so-called vulgar ones.
Thus, apple cider vinegar for genital warts is completely discouraged. Given the appearance of warts in the intimate area, we recommend that you avoid using any type of natural remedy; In these cases, it is best to go to the doctor so that he can offer you the best treatment for your case.
With this in mind, let’s move on to find out how to make use of apple cider vinegar for common warts.
How to use apple cider vinegar for warts
As we have already mentioned in previous points, the properties and benefits of apple cider vinegar make this ingredient an ideal product to treat conditions such as warts. Whether you’re wondering how to use apple cider vinegar for warts on your neck, or want to know how to treat plantar warts or even warts on your scalp, these instructions can help.
Of course, we recommend that you follow the instructions to the letter, since it is important that you mix the apple cider vinegar well with other ingredients so that its acetic acid does not irritate your skin. Take note:
- Before you begin, thoroughly clean the area of the wart to be treated. This will help you remove the most superficial dirt and prepare the area well so that the apple cider vinegar penetrates without problems.
- Mix two parts apple cider vinegar to one part water. It is important not to apply apple cider vinegar directly to the skin to avoid irritation and burns, so always mix this ingredient with water before starting the treatment.
- Soak a sterile gauze pad or cotton ball in the apple cider vinegar and water mixture.
- Next, apply it on the area to be treated, so that you soak the wart or warts with the mixture of ingredients.
- We recommend placing a plaster over the cotton to let the ingredients take effect in the affected area.
- If you can, leave the cotton or gauze in there overnight. Remember that it is a home remedy and, therefore, you will have to be a little patient to see the results.
- The next morning, remove the gauze or cotton and clean the area well.
We recommend repeating this treatment every night until the acetic acid burns the infected skin and makes the wart fall off. This step-by-step is perfect for warts on the neck, arms, legs, face, or even warts on the scalp. However, there are other instructions that you can follow if you are wondering how to remove warts with apple cider vinegar if they are on the hands or if they are plantar warts.
- Fill a bowl with water and apple cider vinegar in equal parts.
- Make sure you always put as much water as apple cider vinegar, otherwise it could irritate your skin.
- Soak the affected area in the mixture for about 10-15 minutes a day.
- After this time, do not forget to rinse with plenty of water and dry the skin well.
Apple cider vinegar: contraindications and tips
Although apple cider vinegar for warts is a quick and effective treatment, it is important to take into account some details and tips. Before using this natural remedy, read carefully the possible side effects and contraindications of apple cider vinegar.
- If you feel burning on the skin, rinse the affected area well with water. Apple cider vinegar contains a very low percentage of acetic acid, however, it could cause burning on sensitive skin. To avoid this, always dilute apple cider vinegar with water before using it, and add more water to the mixture if you try it and your skin still feels uncomfortable.
- If you get rashes, stop using the remedy and clean the area well with water and natural soap. It could be an allergic reaction to vinegar, so we recommend that you do not use more remedies based on this ingredient. If the rash persists, contact your doctor.
- It is essential to always dilute the vinegar with water and never apply it on open wounds, wherever they are.
- If you are undergoing medical treatment to combat warts, you can consult with your doctor about the possibility of using this natural remedy simultaneously.
Finally, it should be remembered that there is no scientific research to support with complete certainty that apple cider vinegar for warts is effective. There are studies that show that this ingredient acts as a disinfectant and antifungal, which would explain why throughout history it has given good results when it comes to acting as an anti-wart treatment.