Burdock mother tincture: preparation, properties, benefits and use

The mother tincture of burdock, extracted from the root of Arctium lappa, is laxative and antirheumatic, and performs a purifying action on the liver and purifying for the skin. Let’s find out more. Properties of burdock mother tincture Arctium lappa root contains lignans, B-complex vitamins, amino acids, trace elements, bitter substances, tannins and resins; but above all it consists of inulin, a draining and purifying substance of the blood, … Read more

Birch mother tincture: preparation, properties, benefits and use

The mother tincture of birch,extracted from the leaves of Betula pendula,has a diuretic action useful in case of cellulite and against water retention. Let’s find out more. Properties of birch mother tincture The leaves of Betula pendula (or Betula alba var. verrucosa) contain flavonoids, sesquitepene oxides,tannins (leukoanthocyanidins), vitamin,betulinic acid, chlorogenic and caffeic, resins and essential oils. Birch mother tincture is used in phytotherapy for diuretic and depurative properties . In fact, favoring diuresis facilitates … Read more

Dandelion mother tincture: preparation, properties, benefits and use

The mother tincture of dandelion is used for its purifying action on the excretory organs, especially the liver. Let’s find out more. Properties of dandelion mother tincture Taraxacum officinale contains triterpene alcohols (taratol, taraxerol, beta amyrin, armidiol); sterols (stigmasterol, beta-sitosterol); vitamins (A,B,C,D); phenolic acids (caffeic, p-hydroxyphenylacetic), amino acids, inulin, pectins, choline, bitter principles (dandelion), mineral salts. These active ingredients give the plant purifying, bitter-tonic and digestiveproperties. Dandelion mother tincture is used to stimulate digestive and liver function; … Read more

Mother tincture of Borage: preparation, properties, benefits and use

The mother tincture of Borage is extracted from Borago officinalis, a plant of the Boraginaceae family. Known for its anti-inflammatory, purifying and diuretic action, it is not recommended to use it because it is hepatotoxic. Let’s find out more. Properties of the mother tincture of borage Borage,known to insiders as Borago officinalis,is a plant of the Boraginaceaefamily. The seeds are rich in polyunsaturated fatty … Read more

Hypericum mother tincture: preparation, properties, benefits and use

The mother tincture of St. John’s wort, excellent for calming states of anxiety and nervousness, is useful in menopause and against depression. Let’s find out more. Properties of the mother tincture of St. John’s wort The flowering tops of the Hypericum plant are rich in flavonoids and perform an antidepressant and sedative action. These substances, hypericin, rutin, … Read more

Neem mother tincture: preparation, properties, benefits and use

The mother tincture of neem,used against infections, is also excellent against psoriasis, acne and gingivitis. Let’s find out more. Facts of neem mother tincture The neem tree has been classified as a tree of the 21st century, for its excellent properties. Known and used for millennia in India, the seeds, bark and leaves contain substances with … Read more

Turmeric mother tincture: preparation, properties, benefits and use

The mother tincture of turmeric is a powerful antipssiodant and anti-inflammatory, useful against inflammation, as a digestive, to purify and thin the blood, freeing it from fats. Let’s find out more. Properties of turmeric mother tincture Turmeric(Curcuma longa) is a plant that belongs to the Zingiberaceae family. In addition to being a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, it also … Read more

Mother tincture of Passiflora: preparation, properties, benefits and use

Passionflower mother tincture has calming and anxiolytic properties useful in disorders of the nervous sphere. Let’s find out more. Facts of passionflower mother tincture The leaves and aerial parts of Passiflora incarnata contain alkaloids, flavonoids, phytosterols, phenol acids, coumarins, cyanogenic heterosides and traces of essential oil. The mother tincture of passionflower is one of the most used phytotherapeutics in disorders of the nervous sphere, thanks to the sedative and calming action that are effective in case of … Read more

Echinacea mother tincture: preparation, properties, benefits and use

The mother tincture of Echinacea is extracted from the echinacea plant, rich in flavonoids and essential oils. Useful to stimulate the immune system, it is also used in case of stress, colds and coughs. Let’s find out more. Properties of the mother tincture of echinacea Echinacea angustifolia andEchinacea purpurea contain polysaccharides, flavonoids,caffeic acid derivatives (echinacoside),essential oils (0.2-0.6%), which give these plants immunostimulating, antiviral and healing properties for tissues. In particular, echinacoside has … Read more

Bearberry mother tincture: preparation, properties, benefits and use

Mother tincture of bearberry is used as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial of the urinary tract. Let’s find out more. Properties of the mother tincture of bearberry The leaves of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi contain hydroquinones (arbutin 7-9%, methylalarbutin), iridoids (monotropein, asperuloside), flavonoids (quercitin, isoquercitin, hyperoside, galactoside), triterpenes (ursolic acid, oleanic acid, uvaol, hops), tannini (6-7%, malic acid, gallic acid), essential oils in trace amounts. These active ingredients give the plant antibiotic activity against numerous bacterial strains, commonly … Read more