Schuessler Salt No. 13 Potassium arsenicosum

Schuessler Salt No. 13, potassium arsenicosum (potassium arsenite), is often prescribed according to Schuessler’s method for exhaustion and recovery. It is said to support constructive metabolic processes and help with skin diseases and menstrual cramps.  What is Schuessler Salt No. 13: Potassium arsenicosum? The Schuessler method assigns the 13th Schuessler salt, potassium arsenicosum, a role in hormone regulation. Potassium … Read more

Schuessler Salt No.12 Calcium sulfuricum

Schuessler Salt No. 12 Calcium sulfuricum (calcium sulphate) is said to work mainly in the connective tissue. It should support detoxification and cleansing processes and help with immune reactions. This substance is preferably administered by non-medical practitioners in the case of damaged tissue, for example in the case of rheumatism, gout or purulent inflammation.  What is Schuessler Salt No. … Read more

Schuessler Salt No.11 Silicea

According to the Schuessler theory, Schuessler Salt No. 11 Silicea (silicic acid) should help to build up and strengthen the connective tissue. It is supposed to give the tissue strength, moisture and resistance to infections, for example. Silicea is also given for problems with bones and ligaments, skin, nails or hair.  What is Schuessler Salt No. 11: Silicea? Silicon … Read more

Schuessler Salt No.10 Natrum sulfuricum

According to Schuessler, Schuessler salt no. 10 sodium sulfuricum (sodium sulphate) supports the breakdown and elimination of harmful substances in the body. In addition, it should transport excess water out of the organism. It is therefore considered the general remedy for body purification and detoxification.  What is Schuessler Salt No. 10: Natrum sulfuricum? Natrum sulfuricum is the tenth salt according to … Read more

Schuessler Salt No. 9 Natrum phosporicum

The Schuessler salt no. 9 sodium phosphoricum (sodium phosphate) is recommended by Schuessler as a general remedy for all disorders in the acid-base balance. In addition, the Schuessler salt no. 9 is said to be involved in the fat and protein metabolism and in the breakdown of sugar. What is Schuessler Salt No. 9: sodium phosphoricum Schuessler Salt … Read more

Schuessler salt no. 8 sodium cloratum

According to Schuessler, Schuessler salt No. 8 sodium chloratum (sodium chloride) regulates the fluid and heat balance. It is recommended, for example, for water retention in the body, dry skin and mucous membranes and high fluid loss (e.g. due to diarrhea). In addition, these Schuessler salts are said to help with allergy and arthrosis symptoms.  What is Schuessler salt … Read more

Schuessler Salt No. 7 Magnesium phosphoricum

According to Schuessler, Schuessler Salt No. 7 Magnesium phosphoricum (magnesium phosphate) is intended to relieve muscle cramps and the associated pain. It is also said to have a calming effect on the nerves and, for example, to help with inner excitement, stage fright or exam anxiety.  What is Schuessler Salt No. 7: Magnesium phosphoricum? Magnesium phosphoricum, also … Read more

Schuessler Salt No. 6 Potassium Sulfuricum

According to the teaching of Dr. Schuessler uses the Schuessler salt no. 6 potassium sulfuricum (potassium sulphate) as an oxygen transmitter and promotes cell renewal. It is recommended for long-term complaints and a lack of energy and sluggish metabolism. Many alternative practitioners also administer Schuessler Salt No. 6 for skin diseases or for detoxification. Worth knowing about Schuessler Salt … Read more

Schuessler Salt No. 5 Potassium phosphoricum

According to Schuessler, Schuessler salt No. 5 potassium phosphoricum (potassium phosphate) is a general remedy for energy and performance. It is supposed to support the nerves and muscles. It is therefore used in the recommended potency as potassium phosphoricum D6 in cases of mental and physical exhaustion.  What is Schuessler Salt No. 5: Potassium phosphoricum? Potassium phosphoricum, also … Read more

Schuessler Salt No. 4: Potassium chloratum

Schuessler Salt No. 4 potassium chloratum (potassium chloride) is used when there is a cough, swelling or skin problems such as spider veins. According to the teachings of Dr. Schuessler for the health of the glands, bronchi, blood and connective tissue.  What is Schuessler salt no. 4: potassium chloratum? According to the teachings the fuel of the glands, an … Read more