Woojeon Korean green tea: benefits, recipe

In the south of Korea, a true jewel among green teas is produced : Woojeon. Specifically, this variety is made on the volcanic island of Jeju Do and the provinces of Jeollanam-do and Gyeongsangnam-do. Precisely, the specific characteristics of its soils influence the final flavor of the tea leaves. This flavorful tea, whose name means “before the rains,” is … Read more

Da Hong Pao, the tea from ancient trees: benefits, recipe

Da Hong Pao is a unique tea that stands out for its incredible quality. It is also hard to believe its prohibitive price. Did you know that a single gram of this tea can be paid for more than 1086.32 USD?  Although true Da Hong Pao is produced exclusively from the leaves of a few tea trees … Read more

Laurel infusion: properties, benefits, recipe

The laurel is famous for its gastronomic use. Who does not like the touch that it gives to a good tomato sauce? However, beyond this application, laurel infusion may be what you need to relieve some discomforts, such as indigestion or fluid retention. Used hundreds of years ago by natural medicine, laurel infusion is one of those … Read more

Iodine in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is iodine? The spectrum of iodum is broad and concentrated almost on the entire body. The focus is on the homeopathic treatment of a disturbed thyroid function, in which an iodine deficiency is responsible. Hyperthyroidism, gland diseases, heart problems, skin problems and digestive irregularities as well as headaches and menstrual disorders are treated. The areas of application also include … Read more

Juglans Regia in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Juglans regia? Juglans regia is used in homeopathy for purulent skin rashes, such as eczema and acne. It is also given for menstrual cramps and headaches. Leading symptoms Abscesses in the armpits Red spots, small pustules on the skin Skin itching when getting warm Liver pain with jaundice Bloating with frequent belching cradle cap blackheads, acne … Read more

Jaborandi in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Jaborandi? Jaborandi is used under the principle of homeopathy in therapy for irritation of the vagus nerve and the resulting symptoms such as sweating, extreme hyperthyroidism, hot flashes and vomiting during pregnancy. It is mainly used in patients with lung diseases who have these symptoms. Leading symptoms Heavy sweating Night sweats in malignant diseases Burning and aching … Read more

Ignatia in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Ignatia? Ignatia is used in homeopathy for nerve-related disorders and upsets as well as for complaints caused by emotional stress. The nickname “means of contradictions” characterizes both the area of ​​application and the typical Ignatius person: suppressed anger, repressed grief and disappointment trigger mental, psychological and physical exhaustion. Positive and negative sensations alternate in rapid succession, but cannot be … Read more

Iris Versicolor in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is iris versicolor? Iris versicolor works particularly well on the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, the salivary glands, the nervous system and the liver. Typical symptoms are burning sensations, acrid or acid discharge, bitter vomiting and “burning” pain after defecation. Another important area of ​​application for the brightly colored iris are migraine attacks with partial or complete visual … Read more

Ichthyolum in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Ichthyolum? Ichthyolum is used in homeopathy mainly to treat the common cold in the elderly. The mucous membranes of the nose and throat are extremely dry and burn. Any change in temperature or draft aggravates the symptoms. Patients’ skin is prone to dryness. It is hot to the touch, itchy, and forms scaly rashes. Ichthyolum is also used for stomach problems … Read more

Ipecacuanha in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Ipecacuanha? Ipecacuanha is used in homeopathy to treat all types of ailments associated with nausea and vomiting. These include irritation and whooping cough with a feeling of suffocation or shortness of breath, gastrointestinal problems such as catarrh and morning sickness. Ipecacuanha is used when vomiting does not reduce the symptoms and the patient has a clean tongue without … Read more