Cedrone in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is cedrone? Cedron is used in homeopathy for a variety of ailments that recur at regular intervals. For example, if symptoms occur at 9 a.m. daily, then Cedron might be indicated. Cedron is particularly helpful for treating fevers in the tropics. Cedron has also proven effective in treating recurrent and radiating nerve pain and radiating pain in the … Read more

Croton Tiglium in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Croton tiglium? The homeopathic remedy Croton tiglium has proven itself in the treatment of summer diarrhea and skin rashes. Sometimes diarrhea and skin disorders alternate. The remedy is used for watery and yellow diarrhea. The stool comes off suddenly and in fits and starts. Patients have a constant feeling of urgency. Even a small sip or the smallest amount of food drives … Read more

Crotalus in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Crotalus? Crotalus is one of the nerve agents and focuses on the vascular muscles. The main areas of application include cardiovascular diseases, circulatory disorders, thrombosis and increased susceptibility to infections. The remedy is also given for purulent skin ulcers (boils, carbuncles, abscesses), hyperthyroidism and yellow fever. It is used in the so-called hemorrhagic diathesis, where an excessive … Read more

Crocus in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is crocus? Crocus is used in homeopathy for complaints in which stringy secretions occur. The coughed up secretion from the bronchi is foamy and consists of threads. Intermenstrual bleeding in women and nosebleeds are also characterized by dark, stringy, and clots of blood. The strong mood swings in all complaints are striking. The patients are alternately hysterical and depressed. Leading symptoms … Read more

Caulophyllum in homeopathy: properties, benefits and uses (all you need to know)

What is Caulophyllum? Under the name “Cohosh” (women’s root), the medicinal plant was already used in Indian medicine, mainly for women’s diseases and childbirth. The active ingredients also treat rheumatic diseases and joint problems. What is outstanding, however, is the range of treatments for women and childbirth problems. Leading symptoms Finger and toe joints are swollen and stiff Swollen legs … Read more

Chrysanthemum tea: the uses of this Chinese remedy, recipe

Chrysanthemum tea has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds of years to combat various ailments, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol, coronary problems, and bacterial infections. But do these uses have any scientific basis? Next, we will tell you what chrysanthemum tea is for and if there is any guarantee that supports its uses. Now, … Read more

Is Tila infusion tea recommended during pregnancy?

It usually happens that towards the end of the second trimester and, mainly, during the last trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother finds it difficult to fall asleep or go back to sleep after waking up to relieve the bladder. Faced with this situation, it is quite normal for her grandmothers and friends to recommend her … Read more

Raspberry Leaf Tea: Pregnancy and Women’s Health

Among the many theories of popular wisdom circulates that drinking raspberry leaf tea helps in various aspects of women’s health, especially during pregnancy and lactation. But what is the truth in these statements? Once again, we have set out to unravel popular beliefs and find out if there is scientific evidence behind them or not. Can you … Read more