What are the benefits of Blue Tea

Also known as oolong, blue tea is one of the most consumed alternatives today, especially for its properties to promote weight loss. This variety of the green tea plant, which has a medium oxidation, offers excellent benefits for our health when consumed regularly, that is, if we consume between 2 and 3 cups a day. Surely if you have come this … Read more

How to prepare white tea

White tea is a powerful drink that greatly favors our health, it has countless benefits for our body and its mild flavor also makes it suitable for all palates. The most popular benefit of this tea is its ability to make us lose weight, but the truth is that if we really want it to work we have to … Read more

Benefits of lemon tea

Lemon tea has many benefits for the body, since both ingredients, tea and lemon, have beneficial properties for health. From here, we will be able to enjoy not only a stimulating drink, but also a drink that will improve our quality of life in many ways. Keep reading this article if you want to know what all the benefits of … Read more

BlueTea: properties, weight Loss benefits, when to avoid

Blue tea, also known as oolong tea, is a tea of ​​Asian origin highly appreciated for its different flavor, which is between green and black tea but with a much more fruity and floral aroma. In addition to its characteristic flavor, this variety has caused a lot of rage today due to numerous studies that have revealed its incredible effects … Read more

Rose Tea: Properties, Benefits, Recipe

Rose tea is an infusion that has become fashionable very recently, despite the fact that it has been taken in Asian countries for centuries. Few of us knew that roses, in addition to being a flower with an intoxicating perfume, could be used to drink their petals in a cup of tea. Among the benefits of this infusion, we … Read more

Can children drink green tea?

Children are curious by nature and often want to do the same things as the adults around them, from trying on their mothers’ and fathers’ clothes to tasting the food and drinks they drink. For example, there are drinks that adults are clear that we cannot give to the little ones, such as alcohol or a … Read more

What is ginger and cinnamon tea for and how to make it

Can you imagine the explosion of flavor that your palate can experience when combining ginger with cinnamon? Not only is it possible to enjoy an exquisite infusion with these two powerful ingredients, but in addition to discovering a unique flavor, your body will be able to experience all the benefits that this prodigious drink provides. We tell you what … Read more

What are the benefits of white tea

White tea comes from the youngest shoots of the Camellia Sinensis plant, which has silvery-white villi on the buds. Of all the varieties of tea, white is the least processed of all, as the leaves are simply steamed and left to dry in the sun, keeping almost all of their nutrients and medicinal properties intact. It is grown only in China, … Read more

Electro, Australian flowers that protect against electromagnetic fields

Electro is the compound of Australian Bush Flower Essences indicated to shield or reduce the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation emitted by electronic devices such as cell phones, computers, televisions, repeaters and the like. It helps to reduce discomfort and inconvenience for those who live for a long time in contact with technology, or working in contact with … Read more

Paw Paw: properties, benefits and uses (Australian Flower Essence and Remedy)

Paw Paw is an Australian flower remedy made from Carica papaya. Useful for relieving emotional tension and improving mental clarity, it also aids in the digestion of proteins. Let’s find out better. Description of the plant Carica papaya – Evergreen tree native to Mexico that can reach 8 m in height, with palmate leaves up to 60 cm wide. It has a straight and … Read more