Omega 5: what it is for and how to take it

The food of the human being must cover all the needs of the organism so that it can function to the maximum of its capacities. That’s why you should have the right amount of vitamins, protein, healthy fats, and other nutrients on a daily basis. For example, omega 5 fatty acid helps maintain a healthy lifestyle, providing … Read more

Is it good to drink coffee for a headache?

Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages around the world, especially to wake up in the morning for its energetic effects, which are due to its high caffeine content. However, although these grains extracted from the plantations have various health properties, many people still ask the same question about this drink: “Is it good to … Read more

Does coffee make you fat or lose weight?

As you well know, coffee is one of the most consumed products by the population around the world. However, and especially if you are a strict person with your body weight, questions may arise such as: “How many calories does coffee have?” “Does coffee help you lose weight?” “Is the coffee good?” and, perhaps one of the most important: … Read more

Chicory “coffee”: properties, benefits, recipe

Its name sounds curious and the truth is that the first time you decide to try it, you do so with a bit of reluctance. Clearly, chicory coffee isn’t really coffee; however, its bitter taste and appearance make it one of the best substitutes for those who, for health reasons or simply want to, must reduce their … Read more

Coffee and pregnancy: what you should know

Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages throughout the world. And, also, one of the ones that generates the most doubts when looking for a baby. Is it good to drink coffee during pregnancy? We have set out to answer this question by providing you with all available scientifically substantiated information so that you can make … Read more

Green Coffee: Properties, benefits, recipe

Who does not know coffee, but what about green coffee? Today we want to bring you this tasty, energizing drink with a good number of beneficial properties for health. Can you come with us? What is green coffee? It may sound strange, but green coffee is not a new invention or a laboratory cross. These are the same … Read more

Does maca make you fat?

Maca is a tuber vegetable found in the Andes and cultivated in Peru and parts of Bolivia. It is a food with many properties and benefits for our body and fits perfectly in diets for athletes and people who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It can be consumed in different ways, which makes it a … Read more

11 Top Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is one of the most consumed products worldwide, not only because of its exquisite flavor and wide variety of benefits, but also because of its versatility. And it is that this food allows the preparation and accompaniment of a large number of dishes and drinks that attract both adults and children. But, did you … Read more

Health Benefits of turmeric with lemon

Turmeric and lemon are two very powerful natural ingredients used in the field of health, beauty and wellness. It is well known that the union of these two components promotes weight loss, since their consumption helps improve our metabolism. However, the union of turmeric with lemon is not only used to reduce extra kilos or to … Read more

Are peanuts fattening?

Contrary to what is thought and the classification of supermarkets, the peanut, groundnut or groundnut is not a dry fruit, but is the legume-like fruit of a fabaceae ( Arachis hypogea ). For this reason, in botany, the peanut is closer to peas or beans than to almonds or hazelnuts. However, due to its fat content, nutritional value … Read more