Schuessler Salt No. 7 Magnesium phosphoricum

According to Schuessler, Schuessler Salt No. 7 Magnesium phosphoricum (magnesium phosphate) is intended to relieve muscle cramps and the associated pain. It is also said to have a calming effect on the nerves and, for example, to help with inner excitement, stage fright or exam anxiety.  What is Schuessler Salt No. 7: Magnesium phosphoricum? Magnesium phosphoricum, also … Read more

Schuessler Salt No. 6 Potassium Sulfuricum

According to the teaching of Dr. Schuessler uses the Schuessler salt no. 6 potassium sulfuricum (potassium sulphate) as an oxygen transmitter and promotes cell renewal. It is recommended for long-term complaints and a lack of energy and sluggish metabolism. Many alternative practitioners also administer Schuessler Salt No. 6 for skin diseases or for detoxification. Worth knowing about Schuessler Salt … Read more

Schuessler Salt No. 5 Potassium phosphoricum

According to Schuessler, Schuessler salt No. 5 potassium phosphoricum (potassium phosphate) is a general remedy for energy and performance. It is supposed to support the nerves and muscles. It is therefore used in the recommended potency as potassium phosphoricum D6 in cases of mental and physical exhaustion.  What is Schuessler Salt No. 5: Potassium phosphoricum? Potassium phosphoricum, also … Read more

Schuessler Salt No. 4: Potassium chloratum

Schuessler Salt No. 4 potassium chloratum (potassium chloride) is used when there is a cough, swelling or skin problems such as spider veins. According to the teachings of Dr. Schuessler for the health of the glands, bronchi, blood and connective tissue.  What is Schuessler salt no. 4: potassium chloratum? According to the teachings the fuel of the glands, an … Read more

Schuessler Salt No. 3: Ferrum phosphoricum

Schuessler Salt No. 3 Ferrum phosphoricum (iron phosphate) is used for first aid. It is said to support the binding of oxygen to the red blood cells, which then transport it to all cells in the body. Ferrum phosphoricum is also said to strengthen the body’s resistance, especially when the first signs of illness appear.  Characteristic causes of a … Read more

Schuessler Salt No.2: Calcium phosphoricum

Schuessler Salt No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum (calcium phosphate) is said to strengthen bone growth, support blood and cell formation and promote healthy muscle movement. As a mineral of “abundance”, Schuessler Salt No. 2 is intended to build up the blood, bones, teeth and muscles. Learn more about the tonic Calcium phosphoricum (D6 is the recommended potency) and its use. … Read more

Schuessler Salt No. 1: Calcium fluoratum

Schuessler Salt No. 1 Calcium fluoratum (fluorspar, calcium fluoride) is the salt for protection, elasticity, tension and shape. It is supposed to strengthen the connective tissue, the tendons and ligaments as well as the different protective layers, the “covers” of the body. For example, bone and tooth surfaces, blood vessel walls and the skin are said to benefit from … Read more

Schuessler salts for High Blood Pressure

Lower high blood pressure with the help of Schuessler salts? Many rely on it – however, this should only be done alongside conventional medical therapy. Inadequate treatment of hypertension can have serious consequences. However, various Schuessler salts could be used to support high blood pressure, for example No. 1 and No. 7. Schuessler salts: support high blood pressure … Read more

Schuessler salts for Acne

Alleviate acne with the help of Schuessler salts – this is the hope of many sufferers. For acne with predominantly oily skin, for example, No. 9 sodium phosphoricum is recommended. If the acne mainly covers the forehead, chest and back, No. 11 Silicea is said to be helpful. A combination of several salts is often recommended. Read here which Schuessler salts … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for Compulsive Behavior

Obsessive-compulsive disorders are classified as mental disorders. Those affected have to perform different actions compulsively or their thoughts are constantly circling around a certain topic. For example, people with obsessive-compulsive disorder cannot leave the apartment without checking several times whether the stove is actually switched off or whether the front door is actually locked. Everyone has certainly … Read more