Homeopathy Treatment for polyps

Polyps are growths of the mucous membranes. They can form on all mucous membranes in the body: the nose, mouth, bladder, stomach, intestines or uterus are often affected by polyps. If they cause discomfort, polyps are usually surgically removed.  Homeopathic remedies can be used to regress the polyps and for follow-up treatment after surgical removal.  Which homeopathic remedies … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for earache

A soft tingling in the ear or a feeling of pressure combined with initially slight pain can be an alarm signal that should not be taken lightly. Here it is advisable to see a doctor immediately because only he can make the right diagnosis and treat an incipient middle ear infection properly. The ear is a very … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for fainting

When you faint, you are temporarily unconscious for a few seconds to a few minutes. You faint while standing and fall to the ground, with a relatively high risk of injury. An approaching faint is often announced with dizziness, nausea, paleness or sweating. As a rule, those affected regain consciousness within a minute, but fainting should always be … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for edema

Edema is accumulation of water on different parts of the body, causing swelling and pain. If you press on the swollen area, a visible dent remains for a short time. The causes of edema are varied. Homeopathic remedies can support the treatment of the underlying disease and help to reverse the edema. Which homeopathic remedies help? … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for kidney problems

The kidneys are vital for our body. They filter 180 liters of water a day and excrete toxins and waste products from the body via the bladder. In addition, important substances are filtered that go back into the bloodstream. Pain in the kidneys is independent of age and can be an indication of a wide variety of … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for hives

Hives can be recognized by blisters on the skin that are very itchy. The lesions look just like the little blisters that form on the skin after touching a nettle. The name of nettle rash (urticaria) is derived from the Latin name for stinging nettle, “Urtica”. The cause of hives is not always easy to find. The disease is … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for nervousness

Nervousness is a state of inner restlessness and manifests itself in different ways. It occurs primarily under stress and in tension. Those affected usually feel pressured, overwhelmed and tense. Homeopathic remedies have proven to calm and relieve the distressing symptoms. Which homeopathic remedies help? Physical symptoms are described below. Choose a homeopathic remedy for nervousness that best suits … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for nerve pain

Nerve pain (neuralgia) occurs in the supply area of ​​one or more nerves. In addition to pulling pain, abnormal sensations such as tingling or numbness are typical symptoms of neuralgia. There are different forms of neuralgia. Nerve pain can occur in the face (trigeminal neuralgia), in the back (sciatica syndrome) or in the head, legs or feet. Treatment … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for sinus infection

Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis) usually occurs as part of an acute cold. Viruses are the most common cause. The acute inflammation usually subsides after a short time. However, a chronic course of a sinus infection can also occur. Antibiotics are not indicated for viral infection, but only for additional bacterial infection. Homeopathic remedies are suitable for relieving … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for nosebleeds

Nosebleeds occur when a blood vessel in the nose bursts or becomes damaged. In most cases it is not dangerous. Sometimes children have nosebleeds for no apparent reason. Frequent and severe nosebleeds can be a sign of an illness. In this case, the doctor must carry out an intensive examination in order to clarify the causes. Homeopathic remedies are … Read more