Mother tincture of mint: preparation, properties, benefits and use

The mother tincture of mint is useful for problems related to indigestion, intestinal disorders, headache, nausea and motion sickness. Let’s find out better. Properties of the mother tincture of mint Thanks to the properties of its active ingredients, mint is refreshing and aids in digestion. Mint is attributed with carminative, digestive, expectorant and anesthetic properties. The effects of the … Read more

Mother tincture of Valerian: preparation, properties, benefits and use

Valerian mother tincture is used against anxiety and agitation, to promote sleep and relax naturally. Let’s find out better. Properties of valerian mother tincture Valerian is a plant rich in flavonoids and alkaloids. Useful for sleep disorders and anxiety, it is also perfect for treating irritable bowel. The root of the plant, with its unmistakable unpleasant odor, contains essential oils (esters … Read more

Mother tincture of Helichrysum: preparation, properties, benefits and use

The mother tincture of helichrysum, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and antibacterial, is useful as an antihistamine in all cases of allergy. Let’s find out better. Properties of Eleutherococcus mother tincture The flowering tops of helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum) contain essential oils (neroli, nerile acetate, alpha and beta pinene, geraniol, sesquiterpenes, furfural, eugenol), flavonoids (narigenin, apigenin, campferol, helichrysin, quercitrin), triterpenes (alpha amirin), ursolic acid, boswellic acid), elipirone, sitosterol and caffeic acid. … Read more

Erisimo mother tincture: preparation, properties and use

The mother tincture of erisimo, expectorant and antiseptic, is useful in the treatment of inflammations of the throat. Let’s find out better. Properties of the mother tincture of erisimo The flowering tops of Sisymbrium officinale contain essential oils, sterols, glycosides, glycosinolates (sinigrin, glucococlearin, glucobrassicin), coumarins (umbelliferone, erniaria), flavonoids (campferol, quercitin, isoramnetina). These active ingredients give the plant anti-inflammatory, expectorant and antiseptic activity on the respiratory tract.  The mother tincture … Read more

Escolzia mother tincture: preparation, properties, benefits and use

The mother tincture of escolzia is known for its sedative and sleep-inducing action, useful in case of insomnia and nervous tension. Let’s find out better. Properties of the mother tincture of escolzia The aerial parts of Eschscholtzia californica contain alkaloids (0.5%), phytosterols, carotenoids and flavonoids which give the plant sedative and hypno- inducing properties (which promote sleep). In particular, the alkaloids (berberine, protopine, cryptopine, chelidonin, sanguinarine) act on the heart … Read more

Eucalyptus mother tincture: preparation, properties, benefits and use

The mother tincture of eucalyptus has a balsamic and hypoglycemic action and is very useful in affections of the respiratory tract and in case of diabetes. Let’s find out better.  Properties of eucalyptus mother tincture Eucalyptus globulus leaves contain an essential oil, particularly rich in eucalyptol, terpenes (pinene, camphene, fellandrene) and aldehydes; polyphenols (gallic acid, ferulic acid, gentisic acid); flavonoids (rutoside, hyperoside) and tannins. These active ingredients give the … Read more

Mother tincture of artichoke: preparation, properties, benefits and use

Artichoke in the form of mother tincture is convenient to use and is good for health, especially for women: it purifies, slims, detoxifies and is an excellent ally for the stomach and intestines. The artichoke in its use in the form of mother tincture is a detoxifying and purifying preparation, useful in case of digestive difficulties, for the health of … Read more

Calendula mother tincture: preparation, properties, benefits and use

The mother tincture of calendula, obtained from the flowers of Calendula officinalis, has a soothing and healing action for the tissues and antispasmodic on menstrual pain. Let’s find out better. Properties of calendula mother tincture The flowers of Calendula Officinalis contain triterpenes, flavonoids, polysaccharides, carotenes, phytosterols, essential oil, mucilage, salicylic acid and bitter substances. These active ingredients give Calendula an anti inflammatory, antiseptic, healing, refreshing, emollient and dermopathic action. Its mother tincture of calendula is therefore used internally, for its estrogenic action, in dysfunctions of the female … Read more

Fucus mother tincture: preparation, properties, benefits and use

Fucus mother tincture is obtained from brown seaweed, has a laxative action and is useful for promoting thyroid function. Let’s find out better. Properties of fucus mother tincture The thallus of the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus, also called sea oak, contains mucopolysaccharides (among which alginic acid, fucoidan and laminarine stands out), polyphenols, vitamins (especially B1, C, E), polyphenols, tannins, sterols, vegetable pigments (fucoxanthin, beta-carotene) mineral salts (iodine, bromine, potassium, sodium, magnesium, … Read more

Yarrow mother tincture: preparation, properties, benefits and use

The mother tincture of yarrow, extracted from Achillea millefolium, rebalances the female hormonal system, has a healing action and is anti-haemorrhagic. Let’s find out better. Properties of yarrow mother tincture The flowers and leaves of Achillea millefolium contain essential oil (azulene, chamazulene, ß-pinene, caryophyllene), flavonoids, organic acids (caffeic and salicylic), hydrolysable tannins, sterols, lactones, coumarins. These active ingredients give the plant astringent, anti- inflammatory and hemostatic properties. For internal use, the mother tincture of yarrow is used to stop bleeding, and various bleeding problems due … Read more