Homeopathy Treatment for mucous membranes

Inflammation of the mucous membranes can occur in various places: the mouth, throat, stomach, intestines or urinary tract are often affected by inflammation of the mucous membranes. Infection is usually the cause of inflamed mucous membranes. Inflammation of the mucous membranes can occur as a side effect as part of cancer treatment or when taking certain medications. … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for bursitis

Joint pain after sport or heavy physical work is often caused by bursitis. The pain comes on suddenly, usually during the night of the physical overload. But they can also develop after years of being overwhelmed at work. Tilers are particularly often affected by bursitis in their knees due to their working posture. Homeopathic remedies promote healing of … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for sleep issues

Sleep disorders are people who have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep and who are prevented from sleeping by various factors. Depending on the severity of the disorder, patients are more or less affected by effects such as tiredness, listlessness or exhaustion. If the sleep disorders persist over a longer period of time, the quality of life … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for hypothyroidism

If too few hormones are produced in the thyroid gland, this is referred to as an underactive thyroid gland or hypothyroidism. The causes can be iodine deficiency, autoimmune diseases or inflammation. Hypothyroidism develops slowly and therefore only shows symptoms at a relatively late stage. Only rarely is the disease congenital or genetic. Homeopathic remedies can be used as … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is an overproduction of thyroid hormones. As with hypothyroidism, the causes can be autoimmune diseases and inflammation, but also nodule formation (so-called “hot” or “cold” nodules). Homeopathic remedies can be used to accompany medical treatment and stabilize those affected, as well as alleviate any symptoms that arise.  Which homeopathic remedies help? Physical symptoms are described … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for vagiena| discharge

Whitish and odorless vagiena| discharge is relatively normal in women. It is called white flow. However, if the discharge changes in quantity, color, smell or texture, this can be an indication of a disease. Homeopathic remedies are prescribed with the aim of acting on the underlying disease and reducing vagiena| discharge.  Which homeopathic remedies help? Physical symptoms are … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for restlessness

Restlessness is a widespread phenomenon that results from the multiple burdens of many people. Anyone who still has a “post” open will not be able to rest in the evening either, but will continue to feel driven. Particularly susceptible to this nervous disorder are people who want to do everything “perfectly”, who find it difficult to say … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for back pain

Back pain usually refers to pain in the area of ​​the back, i.e. the lower back. The pain can occur in the entire width, in the middle of the back or more laterally. Sometimes, especially when the sciatic nerve is affected, the pain radiates from the lower back to the hips or legs. There are many causes … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for irritability and anger

Irritability and anger are negative moods that are usually mutually dependent. As a spontaneous emotional affect, anger is often the reaction to a situation that is either perceived as unpleasant or undesirable. Anger can be triggered by a variety of reasons, such as a memory of an event or a person. Homeopathic remedies can have a … Read more

Homeopathy Treatment for stopping smoking

Most smokers eventually make the decision to quit smoking. There are numerous methods that can be used to quit smoking, such as using nicotine patches, acupuncture, or hypnosis. However, the implementation of the decision is usually not that easy, since enjoyment is an integral part of life and smokers even perceive it as a quality of life. Smokers … Read more