Apple cider vinegar and baking soda: properties, benefits and uses

Do you know the different benefits that apple cider vinegar and baking soda can bring you? These two products are traditionally used for different household tasks such as neutralizing bad odors or disinfecting furniture and other surfaces. However, in addition to these uses, currently the mixture of apple cider vinegar and baking soda is a homemade preparation … Read more

How to prepare lemon with honey for cough

Cough is the last symptom that disappears from the body once any respiratory problem has been solved, which is why it is a condition closely linked to diseases such as sinusitis, the common cold, the flu, etc. In several countries around the world, it is very common to drink an infusion based on honey and … Read more

What is oatmeal water for?

Oatmeal is one of the most consumed foods worldwide, thanks to its incredible benefits, its high fiber content and its varied nutritional composition. Although it can be eaten in the form of cereal, one of the most popular ways to consume oatmeal is through the famous oatmeal water. The properties of oatmeal water are very varied. It acts … Read more

What is rice water used for?

Have you heard of rice water? It is a perfect natural remedy against intestinal disorders, especially against diarrhea. Thus, rice water provides a wide variety of benefits to your body and, due to this, it is considered a natural product that has medicinal and nutritional properties. Rice water is able to regulate the intestine, thus relieving the … Read more

Cardamom seeds: properties, benefits and how to use them

Have you ever heard of cardamom? It is a plant from which only its fruits are consumed, some brown seeds that receive the same name and that provide great benefits to the body. These small fruits are found inside larger seeds of a very characteristic leafy green color. If you want to benefit from everything that this … Read more

Benefits and uses of Flaxseed

Flax or linseed is a seed that is extracted from the Linum usitatissimum plant, belonging to the Linaceae family and from which linseed oil and flaxseed meal are also extracted. Many specialists recommend the consumption of ground flaxseed, over flaxseeds, because it is more easily digested. Ground flaxseed can be enjoyed through juices or infusions. It can also be mixed in … Read more

Foods that purify blood

The bloodstream is responsible for transporting many of the substances that accumulate in the human body. Circulating throughout the body, blood can contain fats, sugars, nutrients, hormones, oxygen, cells, and wastes. The liver and kidneys are the two main organs responsible for purifying these toxins from the blood. However, to help them do their job, we can eat … Read more

What is Pitaya: benefits, uses

The pitaya fruit, pitahaya or dragon fruit is one of the few that can vary in colors and flavors without the need for grafting or genetic modification. This is due to the variety of plant genera, from the same family, that bear fruit with the same nutritional qualities, but with differences in their coloration. Would you like to … Read more

What is cucumber water for?

If you play sports often and/or are passionate about home remedies, you may already know some of the incredible benefits of cucumber water. This natural drink is well known for its moisturizing and diuretic properties, so drinking it at various times of the day can help you achieve a myriad of goals. In the following article … Read more

What is Omega 9: foods rich in Omega 9

The benefits of omegas 3, 6 and 9 are the best known, although the latter is perhaps the least known among the fatty acids within the omegas. The foods that contain them are increasingly widespread among society. For example, of omega 3 it is known that vegetable oil and oily fish are two of the main foods … Read more